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Rose Absolute Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Rose Absolute Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Rose Absolute

  • Latin name: Rosa x centifolia
  • Aroma description: Distinct and unforgettable, the rich floral scent of Rose Absolute is prized around the world.

Therapeutic benefits

  • Calming and soothes emotions and brings calm in the midst of fresh grief.
  • Promotes relaxation before sleep.
  • Reputed to help with the “power surges” suffered by many women going through the normal change of life.
  • Helps with skin imperfections and concerns, and is soothing to dry skin.


Yes! This oil is KidSafe.

Dilution instructions:

Use a 1% dilution on the skin of the face and neck. We recommend a maximum dilution of 2.5% for other skin applications.

Diffusion instructions:

Add a few drops to your aromatherapy diffuser to enjoy the balancing and soothing properties of this essential oil.

Where Rose Absolute is used on the body:

Rose Absolute is extremely useful in skin rejuvenation, as it counteracts the visible signs of aging, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and helping smooth skin. Add it to your favorite body cream or lotion for more radiant skin.

Oils to blend with:

Bergamot, Chamomile, Clove Bud, Geranium Egyptian, Helichrysum Italicum, Jasmine Absolute, Lemon, Neroli, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Sandalwood Australian, Vetiver, and Ylang Ylang Complete.

Field of Roses Wax Melt DIY

DIY rose absolute essential oil perfume

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Melt the Beeswax in a double boiler, then add the Fractionated Coconut Oil and stir to combine. Remove from heat and stir in the Rose Absolute, Bergamot, and Cedarwood Himalayan. Pour into the silicone mold and allow to cool completely. Store in an airtight container. When you’re ready to use, add one or two wax molds to your wax melter and enjoy the beautiful aroma!

Try out Rose Absolute today!