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Finally Fall Scented Pine Cones


Finally Fall Scented Pine Cones

As summer turns to fall, the leaves start turning golden, the temperatures take a dip, and it’s time to embrace everything this new season has to offer. What better way to do that than to fill your home with the scent of one of our Finally Fall blends?! Enjoy the warmth and coziness of Maple Leaf, the woodsy freshness of Fall Rain or the crisp, fresh aroma of Harvest Moon. Any one of these amazing blends will pair perfectly with these Finally Fall Scented Pine Cones! Not only will they add the touch of fall to your decor, but provide a unique way to enjoy your new fall blends.

Keep in mind, our Fall blends won’t be around much longer! Make sure to shop this set before it’s gone for good.

Finally Fall Scented Pine Cones

Finally Fall Scented Pine Cones

What you’ll need:

  • 1 oz Everclear
  • 3 oz Water
  • 4 oz spray bottle
  • Basket with pine cones
  • 1 large zip-top bag
  • 40 drops Finally Fall Blend

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What you’ll do:

Add your chosen Finally Fall Blend and the Everclear to the 4 oz spray bottle. Add water and shake well. Spray pine cones liberally and place in a large zip-top bag. Allow your blend to set for 24-48 hours. Place in a decorative bowl for a festive fall look!

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