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February Oil of the Month - Douglas Fir and Silver Fir


February Oil of the Month - Douglas Fir and Silver Fir

Trees Of Winter

I used to live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. The presence of Douglas Fir trees dotted our landscape for many miles. It is a rugged and strikingly beautiful terrain. The fragrance of these giants is also present, as you breathe in that sweet and balsam-like aroma everywhere. It is cleansing, grounding, uplifting, and restoring.

Plant Therapy gives us the gift of Fir trees this month with not one, but two essential oils. Douglas Fir and Silver Fir are the featured oils for the month of February. As they were going around the office to preview, I became excited for our customers as I took in the scent of the oils, one at a time. Douglas Fir essential oil has that familiar conifer scent with a subtle apple note to it. The Silver fir is different, yet also inspiring and boosting to the mind.

Many of you are familiar with the smaller trees as Christmas Trees, but the benefits are more far-reaching then December. Both essential oils have similar benefits. They can be used to cleanse the air, to boost mood, to clear congestion and stuffiness, for tight muscles and are excellent to use in DIY cleaning products as well. They could be wonderful used in a diffuser recipe or applied topically. Douglas Fir and Silver Fir blend well with many different essential oils. Oils such as citrus, floral, and other woodsy oils can each create a different beautiful blend with these two features.

Download Product Template Sheet here.

I have put together these two recipes for you to enjoy;

Focus Blend (for use in personal inhaler)

3 drops Douglas Fir

2 drops Frankincense Carteri

2 drops Orange Blood

Put on the wick of a personal inhaler.

Respiratory Blend

10 ml of your choice of carrier oils (the amt used in a roller bottle)

Using an empty roller bottle (or one of our other choice of bottles). Put essential oils in the bottle and then add carrier until filled, snap on roller ball. Apply to chest or wrists.

Hopefully, you are one of the lucky ones to have purchased these oils. Relax, sit back and allow yourself to be transformed…