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Essential Oils to Help with Mental Focus


Essential Oils to Help with Mental Focus

Start this year off strong with essential oils that can help keep your mind energized, focused, and ready to learn! Whether you need to study for school, your job, or just for your own self-improvement, let us help you stick with that goal.

Here are a few of our favorite essential oils to help give your brain a little extra boost while your nose stays buried in a book.

Rosemary 1,8-Cineole

With a rich history behind it, Rosemary is well known to support cognitive functions. Studies show the invigorating herbal aroma can improve the speed of learning, as well as support long-term memory. The compound that makes Rosemary so distinctive is 1,8-cineole, which aids a brain chemical linked to learning and memory. It is also known to increase blood supply to the brain, making it useful when you’re suffering from poor concentration or nervous debility .

Add a few drops of Rosemary to your diffuser anytime you’re beginning to study or whenever you could use a little extra help staying focused.


peppermint essential oil plant therapy

A powerful brain energizer, Peppermint stimulates the mind, supports memory, focus, concentration, and mental performance. Fragrant and familiar, Peppermint will wake up the mind and help boost your productivity. Studies show that Peppermint can help reduce mental stress, help with focus and assist in keeping you on task. Try our Pre-Diluted Peppermint Roll-On by rolling it directly onto your wrists and inhaling for an immediate mental spark.


Lemon essential oil plant therapy

Citrus essential oils have a fantastic ability to help perk us up and Lemon is no exception. It is great for uplifting your mood, providing a boost of energy, and promoting mental clarity and focus. Lemon can also help promote feelings of happiness so you can go forward with your studying with a positive attitude.

Basil Linalool

Basil Linalool is also an excellent choice if you’re looking to improve focus and refresh your mind. Besides being a popular culinary herb, Basil also helps restore mental alertness when inhaled. It helps clear brain fog and has a refreshing aroma that helps reduces excitability, helping you settle down and focus better on a singular task.

family doing homework and studying

And don’t forget to check out a few of our blends designed especially to help your mind stay sharp!


  1. Mojay, G. (2005). Aromatherapy for healing the spirit: A guide to restoring emotional and mental balance through essential oils. London: Gaia. Pg. 115.