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Get Memorial Day Ready with DIY Outdoor Wipes!


Get Memorial Day Ready with DIY Outdoor Wipes!

essential oil outdoor wipesIt’s still spring, but let’s be honest — a lot of us like to mark the unofficial start to summer during Memorial Day weekend. And with the typically bright and warm weather the end of May brings, who doesn’t want to be outside to enjoy it? Parades, picnics, camping trips, backyard grilling, gardening; this list goes on and on, depending on what you love to do.

But what do all these fun activities have in common? Well, here’s a hint: they fly, they crawl, they scuttle around, they gross us out, and they love to infringe on your otherwise wonderful time outside…in other words, bugs.

What can you do to make sure these persistent pesky summer annoyances don’t ruin your long weekend of fun in the sun? We have just what you need to keep those little annoyances at bay! These roll-ons are the perfect, super convenient, and chemical-free way to protect you and your children from those little buzzing annoyances while you’re playing outside!

And if you’re wanting to make some lotion bars to keep those buzzing buggers away, try this DIY recipe for Buzz-Off Lotion Bars.

Another great DIY to enjoy your time outdoors this Memorial Day weekend are these very easy to make Outdoor Wipes!

DIY Outdoor Essential Oil Wipes

What you’ll need:

Here’s what to do:

  1. Cut a roll of paper towels in half using an electric knife or serrated bread knife.
  2. Place paper towels into the container. If you have to “smash” it a bit to fit, that is ok, once wet we are taking out the core!
  3. In a separate bowl, add the carrier oils, vitamin E, and KidSafe Shield Me
  4. Mix well and immediately pour mixture over paper towels.
  5. Seal with lid and shake container well to disperse oils.
  6. Once soaked, you can easily remove the core.
  7. Use as you would any other wipes.

That outside sun can be a burden, too, especially if you have sensitive skin that becomes irritated easily. If your skin is thirsting for some extra hydration and nourishment, Aloe Vera Jelly and Lavender Aloe Jelly are both soothing and penetrate deeply . Misting your skin with a hydrosol, like Peppermint or Lavender, will also refresh irritated skin.

Lots of Americans also love to take vacations during Memorial Day weekend. That’s why this weekend is one of the most popular travel times of the whole year. With all that time spent in the car or on a turbulent plane ride, your stomach can sometimes need a little extra help to stay settled. If you suffer from stomach discomfort during travel, try our Tummy Aid Pre-Diluted Roll-On, or our KidSafe Tummy All Better Pre-Diluted Roll-On. And keep your family healthy with the pre-diluted roll-ons Germ Fighter and KidSafe Germ Destroyer.

No matter what your plans are this Memorial Day weekend, we’ve got you covered! And don’t forget to set some time aside for observing the ultimate sacrifice given by members of our Armed Services, because, after all, that is the true reason for this holiday. Learn more about Memorial Day at