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DIY Massage Oil (masculin scent)


DIY Massage Oil (masculin scent)

By: Kimberly Daun, Certified Aromatherapist

The memories associated with the scent of conifer trees brings me to a place of such peace and relaxation. Throw it into a massage oil with properties to relax my tight muscles and I’m in a euphoric place! Whip up this great blend for yourself; it has a deep masculine scent that is a perfect alternative to the typical floral massage oils. I’ve also been adding this to my epsom salts for a super relaxing bath (just be careful getting out of the tub as the oil can make it slippery). Balsam Fir is such a wonderfully versatile oil, plus it smells amazing. You can use it for; uplifting yet soothing mood boost, calming muscles and joints, open and support your upper respiratory system, as well as aid in balancing emotions. Bonus chart at the bottom.

DIYBack WoodsMassage Blend

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Pour everything into your bottle.
  2. Shake well.
  3. Shelf life of 1 year if stored properly.

Balsam Fir Product Sheet Template