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Coriander Seed Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Coriander Seed Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Coriander Seed essential oilCoriander Seed

  • Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
  • Aroma description: A warming and calming fragrance that is sweet, peppery, and slightly fruity.

Therapeutic benefits

  • Stimulates appetite.
  • Relieves occasional digestive upset.
  • Elevates mood.
  • Helps with mental focus.
  • Aids in relaxation before sleep.
  • Promotes a clear skin complexion.


Yes! This is a KidSafe oil.

Dilution instructions:

For topical application, we recommend a dilution of 1-3%.

Diffusion instructions:

To ease feelings of tension and worry, diffuse equal drops of Coriander Seed and Orange Sweet. If you’re looking to refresh and rejuvenate your mind, diffuse Coriander Seed alone to experience its elevating properties.

Where Coriander Seed is used on the body:

Dilute Coriander Seed at 3% with your favorite carrier oil and massage onto the abdomen during stomach upset in a clockwise motion.

Oils to blend with:

Bergamot, Clary Sage, Ginger Root CO2, Fir Needle, Grapefruit Pink, Lemon, Neroli, Orange Sweet, Petitgrain, Rose Absolute, and Turmeric CO2.

Making Memories Master Blend

Try this wonderful blend to help clear a foggy mind and support a positive outlook!

DIY making memories master essential oil blend Coriander SeedWhat you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

  1. Diffuse a few drops in your Plant Therapy diffuser.
  2. Add 10 drops to a personal inhaler and use as needed.
  3. Dilute to 2-3% and apply to the wrists or temples.
  4. Create a DIY car diffuser by gluing a piece of felt to a clothespin. Add a few drops to the piece of felt and clip into the car vent. Enjoy the scent!

Try out Coriander Seed today!