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Aromatherapy for Men: DIY Beard Balm, Hair Pomade and More!


Aromatherapy for Men: DIY Beard Balm, Hair Pomade and More!

Aromatherapy for Men Beard Balm & Hair Pomade DIY

Have you ever thought about aromatherapy just for men? Fathers Day is just around the corner. We don’t often take the time to let the men in our lives know how much we appreciate everything they do for (and with) us. My dad taught me to ride my first bike, took me fishing, built snow dragons and taught me the value of hard work. My husband supports all my ambitions, is a fantastic Daddy to our two girls and also happens to be my best friend. I have many friends who are also amazing men in their own right.

I am guilty of not making it known how much I appreciate these wonderful men in my life. So, why not make something special to show your man how much you care. Perhaps you’re making something for your Dad, your significant other or your best friend. You can also try your hand at DIY Beard Balm or this article with DIY Shoe Deodorizers, DIY Aftershave, or Homemade Cologne!

And for even more essential oil DIYs for the man in your life, head over to Wise Beards for his awesome guide to DIY beard oil recipes (using essential oils)

Let’s get started on some projects sure to pamper your favorite guy!!

Plant Therapy Men Peppermint & Rosemary Hair Pomade DIY

Here are a few quick personal inhaler ideas, which can easily be placed pocket and used at work, while out & about or even at home! Never made an inhaler? Check out this easy, DIY video to learn more: How to create a personal inhaler.

Relaxing Personal Inhaler {for men}

Drop 5 drops Cedarwood, 5 drops Lavender and 2 drops Vanilla onto the cotton wick. Cap & gift to your favorite guy!

Energizing Personal Inhaler {for men}

Drop 7 drops Black Pepper, 5 Drops Sweet Orange & 3 drops Lemon onto the cotton wick. Cap & give your guy the energy he needs to get through the day!

Need a quick and easy gift for your important dude? This Car Diffuser may be just what you’re looking for. Let Dad wake up on his way to work, and unwind on his way home! Add your favorite synergy like Energy or Clarity Synergy to give him some get up & go OR choose a calming blend like Worry Free or Self Esteem Synergy for the drive home!

I hope the special man in your life will appreciate these thoughtful gifts! We are here to answer any questions you might have, and look forward to hearing about how YOU pampered your guy! Please send us an email with your thoughts, concerns, or questions at and while you’re at it, head over to Facebook and join our Safe Essential Oil Recipes group! We have a lot of fun exchanging ideas, sharing recipes and supporting safe use! We will look forward to meeting you soon.