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Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil DIY


Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil DIY

So you have your Vanilla Oleoresin and it smells amazing. But you’ve probably noticed by now that it doesn’t completely blend in carrier oils. Not to worry, there’s still a way you enjoy the incredible vanilla aroma. Infusion! All you need some Jojoba Oil and your bottle of Vanilla. In an empty 4-oz bottle (or more if you want to make a bigger batch), add about a half an ounce of the oleoresin and the Jojoba oil. The vanilla will settle to the bottom, so make sure to shake it every day. After about two weeks, it’ll be ready to go. Use a pipette to remove the infused Jojoba oil so as to make sure you don’t pick up excess oleoresin. The best part is that the oleoresin will stay in the bottle, ready for your next infusion.

Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil DIY

Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Add about a half an ounce of Vanilla Oleoresin to your glass bottle. Fill the remaining bottle with Jojoba Oil. Allow to sit for two weeks, making sure to shake the jar each day. Use a pipette to remove the infused Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil. The oleoresin will remain in the original bottle, ready to infuse your next batch.

Don’t forget to check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group for more amazing DIYs.