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Celebrating Unity Day + Orange Playdough DIY


Celebrating Unity Day + Orange Playdough DIY

Plant Therapy is coming together today to stand against bullying, plant kindness, and help make the world a more inclusive place. Join us as we celebrate Unity Day!

Unity Day

Unity Day, Wednesday, October 21st, is a day that individuals around the world wear orange to show a united stance against bullying. To show our support for this national day of unity, Plant Therapy is sharing a Sweet Orange Playdough DIY to encourage you and your family to make something orange (and sweet) in your own home while also giving your family the opportunity to start a conversation about kindness and inclusion with your family.

National Bullying Prevention Month

October is PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Month. This organization asks kids and adults to pledge against bullying, include someone new, and raise awareness of the harms of bullying. Additionally, PACER promotes and facilitates dialogue between educators, parents, and students on addressing and preventing bullying. PACER also provides resources for children and parents of children who are being bullied and struggling to stop it.

Everyone can help prevent bullying. During October, PACER encourages everyone to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Visit their site to learn more about October events: PACER.org.

Unity Day

Sweet Orange Play Dough DIY

Unity Day is PACER’s signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month. To demonstrate a united front and engage the community, PACER encourages everyone to come together and either wear or share orange. People can use this vibrant and colorful display to start conversations and show support for kids who are or have been bullied.

How can you support inclusion and kindness?

Sweet Orange Playdough DIY

To share some orange “sweetness” this month, we’re sharing our favorite Sweet Orange Playdough DIY!

Sweet Orange is our “Happy Oil” and its juicy-fresh, light citrus scent can help freshen stale rooms and reduce nervous tension. Learn more about Sweet Orange Essential oil benefits and uses here.

Sweet Orange Playdough DIY Recipe Graphic

What you’ll need:

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What you will do:

Mix Avocado Carrier Oil with Sweet Orange Essential Oil. Add water and food coloring.

Mix flour and salt together in a separate bowl. Combine all ingredients together. Add more flour, as needed, until you get the right consistency with no stickiness.

*For a printable version, click here.

Ready to create and share more with Sweet Orange Essential Oil? Try one of these:

How else will you be wearing and sharing orange today? How do you encourage kindness and inclusion in your household? Tell us in the comments below!