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Travel Essentials for Aromatherapy on the Go


Travel Essentials for Aromatherapy on the Go

Who doesn’t love a good road trip? Traveling with your family is a great way to bond, recharge your relationships, and bring new adventures. For those who prefer to travel solo, it’s a great way to reset the mind and excite the senses. As exciting as planning your upcoming trip can be, it can be stressful, too. Whether it’s mapping out your itinerary or remembering what to pack (don’t forget your essential oils!), it’s lots of work. Plant Therapy wants to help! That’s why we’re excited to introduce our list of travel essentials. Our new Portable Diffuser with Travel Pack and a special Travel essential oil blend is exactly what you need to enjoy aromatherapy on the go.

Portable diffuser with Travel Pack

Portable Travel Diffuser with Travel Pack

Say hello to our new Portable Travel Diffuser with Travel Pack! This stunningly gorgeous diffuser allows you to take your essential oils anywhere and everywhere you go. It’s available in two beautiful color choices, Rose Gold and Wood Grain. And it’s packed with everything you need. With a generous 50 mL water reservoir, this diffuser will run for 4-5 hours continuously, or 8-10 hours using one of the intermittent diffusion settings. You can choose to diffuse continuously until the water runs out, or you can choose from diffusing for 30 minutes, 5 minutes on/5 minutes off, or for 30 seconds on/30 seconds off depending on your needs. Also, to keep your diffuser standing upright and safe in the car, it fits in most cup holders.

The convenience doesn’t stop there! You can also choose to run your diffuser using the built-in rechargeable battery, or by using the USB charger cord that’s included with your diffuser. Our Portable Travel Diffuser is the perfect travel aromatherapy travel companion there is. Also, each Portable Travel Diffuser comes with a sturdy travel case that will hold your diffuser, charger cord, and the included Plant Therapy Travel Essential Oil Blend.

Portable diffuser and Travel Blend

Travel Essential Oil Blend

Our Travel Essential Oil Blend is just what you need for all of your upcoming travel plans, and it’s safe for the whole family! This unique blend of Orange Essence, Lemon Essence, Black Pepper, Balsam Fir, Spearmint, and Steam Distilled Ginger is KidSafe, Pup & Pony Safe, and Pregnancy & Nursing Safe.

Our team of in-house aromatherapists created this amazing blend with travel in mind. The bright aroma of Orange and Lemon will help keep you in good spirits, while the Black Pepper and Balsam Fir help provide an uplifting and energized mood to help keep you alert and awake. The goodness doesn’t stop there, though! With Spearmint and Steam Distilled Ginger Root in the mix, it also lends itself to relieve you of any occasional tummy upset due to motion sickness. Whether you’re on a plane, train, or automobile, this blend can help promote focus and make road trips a breeze.

Organic Essential Oil Roll Ons

Essential Oil Roll-Ons

For those who prefer to keep it simple, Plant Therapy offers a wide variety of pre-diluted Essential Oil Roll-Ons that help simplify any need. Use the Peppermint Roll-On to provide a cooling, invigorating feeling to help keep your mind and body alert while driving. For those longer trips that leave your back and neck feeling sore and tense, we offer our powerful Rapid Relief Roll-On to help alleviate any discomfort. Be sure to check out our entire collection of pre-diluted Essential Oil Roll-Ons here.

Crystal Carfresh Diffuser

If you prefer a gentler, more passive scent in the car, try our gorgeous Crystal Carfresh Diffuser. The Crystal Carfresh Diffuser is super simple to use and works well with most cars. To enjoy the amazing benefits of your essential oils on the go, simply add 5-6 drops of essential oil evenly onto the refill stick. Then place the crystal magnet cover back on the metal clip base and clip the diffuser to your car’s vent. Turn up the A/C and make your commute more enjoyable instantly.

Learn more about how to get the most out of the Crystal Carfresh Diffuser here.

Aromatherapy Inhaler

Aromatherapy Nasal Inhalers

Another tool Plant Therapy is excited to offer for your travel kit is our new Aromatherapy Nasal Inhalers. The inhalers are prefilled with three amazing blends. In our variety pack, we offer Aromatherapy Nasal Inhalers powered by Worry Free, Tummy Aid, and Respir Aid. These three blends are everything you could hope for when on the go, and super convenient, too. Whenever you find yourself in need, just unscrew the cap, hold it below your nose, and inhale. It’s that easy!

What kinds of trips are you planning on taking this year? What kind of aromatherapy tools do you take with you on vacation? Let us know in the comments!