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Top Tips for a Fun & Safe Night of Trick-or-Treating


Top Tips for a Fun & Safe Night of Trick-or-Treating

Ask just about any kid and they’ll tell you they looooooove Trick-or-Treating. It’s all free candy, fun costumes, seriously spooky decorations. But parents know that it’s not all fun and games on Halloween night. A bunch of children traipsing through the neighborhood at night, what could go wrong? We’ve put together some quick and easy tips to help make sure your family has a safe and fun night that is just the right amount of spooky.

Keep it Lit

Zombies, witches and pirates, oh my! Your kids may be beyond excited about their fabulous costumes, but the excess of black may make them harder to spot while they adventure from house to house. This is where a quick trip to the bicycle section comes in handy. You’ll be able to find everything from reflective tape to blinking lights. They’ll help your child stay visible as they cross streets to cars, pedestrians and other Trick-or-Treaters. You can even plan a route ahead of time to use only the best lit streets in the neighborhood.

Ward Off Germs

Monster Mash Halloween Set

So many doors, so many bags of candy and just oh so many hands touching everything. And because you don’t know where those hands have been, it’s important to arm yourself with some extra immune support. Give your kiddos some germ protection with our recently back from the dead KidSafe blend Zombie Blood! It’s bright, fresh aroma is uplifting, while also helping support the immune system.

Stick Together

We’ve all heard the saying “there’s safety in numbers”. It couldn’t be any truer than on Halloween. Trick-or-treating in groups not only ensures that no one knocks on a stranger’s door alone but also means everyone is more visible crossing streets. Plus there’s less of a chance of anyone getting lost.

Save it for Later

Top Tips for a Fun & Safe Night of Trick-or-Treating

The idea that Halloween candy might be poisoned or tampered with has reached superstitious proportions. Fun fact, this lingering paranoia can be traced to really just one unfortunate poisoning and a handful of ill-conceived pranks involving sharp objects. While you might not need to search candy for evidence of tampering, it’s still a good idea to wait until the night’s over to actually eat anything. If your child has food allergies, you can sort through what’s safe for them to eat. And it could also prevent a dreaded sugar rush just before bedtime.

Spot the Teal Pumpkin

If your kid does suffer from allergies, Halloween can lose some of its magic. What fun is Trick-or-Treating if some, or all, of the candy is off-limits? That’s where the Teal Pumpkin Project project comes in. By putting a teal pumpkin on your porch, you’ll let potential trick-or-treaters know that you have non-food treats available. You can even add your house to a map so those with allergies can plan a fun night, but without the candy.

The fun doesn’t stop there! Check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group for more great DIYs.