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Top 4 Ways to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil


Top 4 Ways to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil

It’s official. We love Juniper Berry Essential Oil. It has a fresh, crisp aroma and a variety of therapeutic benefits. Plus, this essential oil is ideal for helping you succeed with your new year’s resolutions. Check out a few of our favorite ways to incorporate this handy little oil into your everyday life.

1. Slimming Gel

Top 4 Ways to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil

We all do it. Resolve to get fit in the new year. Maybe you join a gym and go for a couple weeks, but it’s easy to lose momentum. Give your workouts a boost with this easy Juniper Berry Slimming Gel. It can help firm and tighten the skin in problem areas.

2. Joint Rub

Top 4 Ways to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil

One of the many side effects of a good workout can be muscle and joint pain. Combine Juniper Berry with your favorite carrier oil and massage into the affected areas. This oil helps produce skin warmth which can ease the feelings of congestion and tightness.

3. Calm nervous tension

Top 4 Ways to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Maybe you’ve opted for a different kind of new years resolution: quitting smoking, easing up on caffeine, or cutting out junk food. While these are admirable goals, let’s be honest, it can make us just a little bit cranky. Keep Juniper Berry handy in your personal diffuser or use passive diffusion to help with the nervous tension associated with cravings and withdrawal.

4. Air Freshener

Top 4 Ways to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil

With temperatures dropping outside, it often leaves us bundled up inside with central heating blaring. The winter months can leave the air stale and stuffy. Add a few drops of Juniper Berry essential oil to your diffuser to help freshen and clean the air. Plus the sharp, green woody aroma is a pleasant scent to have around your home!