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Three Sunny DIYs for Our Blends of Summer Set


Three Sunny DIYs for Our Blends of Summer Set

Roasting marshmallows over a campfire, trips to the beach, taking time to relax in cool water, or soaking in the warm sun– we can name a million things we love about summer. As we cruise into the next season, we’d like to introduce new summer blends that will prepare you for instant vacay mode!

Sun Kissed boasts a citrusy and warm aroma with hints of floral tones that can support a sense of joy and excitement. Next, Farm Fresh Flowers has a soft, fresh floral aroma with slight earthy notes, that center around soothing and uplifting emotions. And Mountain Retreat— a crisp, refreshing coniferous scent accompanied by sweet floral undertones. This can help ease daily concerns as well as support clear respiration.

With our Blends of Summer Set, you can have them all! This trio can help you welcome in the summer season, each giving you refreshing and soothing benefits to keep you shining throughout your day. And while you are taking the time to plan exciting activities for the sunny season, also don’t forget the much-needed self-care our body deserves! We’re sharing summer-packed DIYs to help you use these amazing summer blends.

sun kissed body mist diy recipe

Sun Kissed Body Mist

What you’ll need:

  • 36 drops Sun Kissed
  • 2 oz spray bottle
  • 0.5 oz Everclear
  • 1.5 oz water

What you’ll do:

Add Everclear and essential oils to the empty spray bottle and allow meld. Fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake to combine. Spritz lightly over skin and clothing for a fresh, summer scent.

*For a printable version, click here.

Things to Know About Sun Kissed

  • KidSafe: No
  • Pregnancy Safe: No
  • Nursing Safe: No
  • Pup & Pony Safe: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years
  • Ingredients: Blood Orange, Pink Grapefruit, May Chang, Lavender, Lemon, Tangerine, Peru Balsam, Lime Steam Distilled

mountain retreat hair mask diy recipe

Mountain Retreat Hair Mask

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine carrier oils and essential oils in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to hair and let sit for at least 30 minutes, although overnight is best. Rinse well and shampoo.

*For a printable version, click here.

Things to Know About Mountain Retreat

  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy Safe: Yes
  • Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Safe: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years
  • Ingredients: Bergamot, Atlas Cedarwood, Pink Grapefruit, Black Spruce, Amyris, Juniper Berry, Rhododendron

farm fresh flowers diy face serum recipe

Farm Fresh Flowers Face Serum

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine carrier oil and essential oils in a small bowl. Gently apply the mixture to your face with clean hands, making sure to not tug and pull on the skin. Apply during your nighttime skin routine for best results.

*For a printable version, click here.

Things to Know About Farm Fresh Flowers

  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy Safe: Yes
  • Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Safe: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years
  • Ingredients: Palmarosa, Lavender Diva, Bergamot, Organic Turmeric CO2, Rhododendron, Rose Absolute

Lineup of Plant Therapy's Summer products 2021

Summer Doesn’t Stop There

Can’t get enough summer? We got you covered with our summer-scented products! Check out our exclusive line-up for the summer collection:

  • 3-Pack Liquid Hand Soaps: Available in Sun Kissed or Mountain Retreat, these plant-based liquid soaps gently remove dirt and grime while leaving your hands feeling soft and moisturized.
  • Sun Kissed Set: our fan-favorite blend was brought back, now bundled as a set of the essential oil blend, liquid hand soap, and a body lotion. The Body Lotion with Aloe and Shea can also be purchased on its own.

For more information, check out our collection here: Blends of Summer.

Which summer scent are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments below!