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The Summertime Set & Our Favorite Outdoor DIYs


The Summertime Set & Our Favorite Outdoor DIYs

Our Summertime Set is here just in time for blue skies, beach days, and family vacays! This is a limited-edition set of three essential oil blends that you can use to supplement your favorite DIYs and all the things that summer brings.



This blend uses oils like Bergamot, Pink Grapefruit, Frankincense and more to create a citrusy-sweet floral scent with woodsy backnotes. In other words, Sunshine smells like summer and helps create a relaxing atmosphere that’s perfect for an afternoon siesta. The blend is uplifting and bright, but also calming and soothing — just like the perfect summer day.

Some Things to Know

Beach Day

Beach Day

Can’t make it to the beach? That’s all right, let Plant Therapy bring the beach to you! With fresh-scented Cypress, citrusy Orange, woodsy Copaiba, spicy Black Pepper, Coriander, and calming Roman Chamomile, you can have a beach day anyplace, anytime. Like the salty air of your favorite sandy retreat, Beach Day is invigorating and promotes easier breathing.

Some Things to Know

Mountain Air

Mountain Air

Summertime is filled with outdoor activities. To help you unwind after a busy day of ball games, beach parties, and summer fun, use Mountain Air for a well-deserved peaceful break. The calming and soothing scents of Bergamot, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Atlas Cedarwood, and Lavender make a blend that’s reminiscent of weekends spent at a lakeside mountain retreat. Close your eyes and imagine fireflies dancing and a cool evening breeze sweeping in from the countryside.

Some Things to Know

Woman reading on the beach

Outdoor DIYs

Our Summertime Set can bring the scents of summer inside. But what about when you’re out and about in the great outdoors? We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite DIYs to use while you enjoy the best parts of summer.

Summer Dreams Body Spray

This body spray keeps you smelling fabulously fresh and ready to keep those fun-filled summer days and nights going. Use Mountain Air, Beach Day, or Sunshine!

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine one of the Summer Blends with your Everclear. Pour into your 100 mL glass bottle and add water to fill. Shake well, then use!

Sun Soother

Get a bit too much sun? Try using this Sun Soother DIY to help with the discomfort that goes with the burn.

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Dilute in an ounce of Aloe Vera Jelly and gently apply where it’s needed.

shield me
Non-Toxic Natural Pest Spray

Mosquitoes, sand gnats and chiggers, oh my! Bugs can really put a damper on summer evenings relaxing by the water. Ward off buzzing summertime threats with this great-smelling Natural Pest Spray.

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Add 72 drops of Nature Shield to 1 ounce of Everclear to your bottle. Let the mixture sit while the essential oils meld with the Everclear. Fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake well.

OR, try out our Outdoor Essential Oil Wipes.

Summer Nights Body Oil

Nourish and rejuvenate your summertime skin with this light, moisturizing body oil.

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Mix your essential oils with your carrier oil in a small bowl, then pour it into your pump bottle. Apply to dry areas for silky, smooth, and fantastically scented skin.

Want more outdoor DIYs? Peruse blog entries like this one, or check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group!