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Sweet & Sensational Tonka Bean Absolute


Sweet & Sensational Tonka Bean Absolute

For a decadent and deliciously gourmand aroma, look no further than Tonka Bean Absolute. Its rich, caramel-like and powdery-sweet aroma is prized throughout the high-end fragrance world, most notably in perfumes by Burberry, Chanel, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent. This sensual, tenacious scent makes it a delightful addition to your favorite DIYs, like soaps, lotions, bath bombs, and candles. For a gorgeous natural perfume, dilute Tonka Bean in your favorite carrier oil either as a stand-alone or blend with floral and citrus essential oils for a completely unique personal fragrance. The warm, sweet scent helps bring about a sense of calm and encourages relaxation, making it great to diffuse in the evening after a long day.

The absolute is obtained from Dipteryx odorata, also known as Cumaru or Kumaru, a large tropical tree. The fruit it bears contains a single black seed, or bean, which is then dried and pulverized before going through the solvent extraction process. At full strength, Tonka Bean Absolute is a thick paste-like mass that can become solid at room temperature. To make this into a workable product for diffusion, topical applications, and DIYs, the natural fragrance fixative ingredient triethyl citrate has been added. This gentle, biodegradable ingredient helps to thin out Tonka Bean Absolute, making it mobile enough to use in a variety of ways.

Tonka Bean Absolute is an Oil of the Month offering throughout the month of January. Check back with us soon to see if we have added it to our collection.

tonka bean

Some Things to Know

Botanical Name: Dipteryx odorata

Primary Constituents:

  • Coumarin
  • Dihydrocoumarin
  • Ethyl linolenate
  • Ethyl melilotate

Aromatic Scent: Sweet vanilla-like aroma with notes of toasted almond

Directions: Aromatic – Diffuse using 2-3 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical – Dilute to 1-2% in a carrier.

Shelf Life: 1-2 Years

Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. Discontinue use if skin irritation/sensitivity occurs. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. External use only.

Try these Tonka Bean blends for diffusion or add to your favorite carrier oil for a deliciously scented body oil or natural perfume.

Sweet Almond Coffee

Honeyed Orange Blossom

Floral Forest

Sweet Escape

Let us know what you think about Tonka Bean Absolute! Don’t have yours yet? Make sure to head over to our Oil of the Month Club.