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Summer Dreams Body Spray DIY


Summer Dreams Body Spray DIY

Our new Summer Dreams set captures the best parts of summer. You can enjoy the scents that remind you of a relaxing trip to the mountains, the feel the sun on your skin and the joy of all your summer activities.

Two friends at the beach during Summer

Mountain Air is a soothing combination of Bergamot, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood Atlas, and Lavender. You’ll find yourself instantly transported to your favorite lake in the woods. If you want something a little brighter, try the bright citrusy notes of Endless Summer. You’ll enjoy the aromas of Pink Grapefruit, Lemon and Lime Steam Distilled, Sweet Orange, Mandarin, and Ylang Ylang. And lastly, there’s the sweet and citrusy blend of Sun Kissed. May Chang, Lavender, and Peru Balsam combine for a calming, supportive blend.

Woman doing yoga on a mountain

No matter which blend is your favorite (it’s so hard to choose!), you can keep the aroma with you throughout the day. All you need is your chosen blend, a 100 mL spray bottle and some Everclear to make this Summer Dreams Body Spray. Combine the ingredients in the bottle, shake and spray!

Summer Dreams Body Spray DIY

Summer Dreams Body Spray

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

  1. Combine one of the Summer Blends with your Everclear.
  2. Pour into your 100 mL glass bottle and add water to fill.
  3. Shake well, then use!

For more incredible DIYs, be sure to check out our Facebook group, Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR)!