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Sparkling Sachets


Sparkling Sachets

Plant Therapy DIY Christmas Project Spectacular Sachets

I am not even gonna mince words. Hands down this was my favorite project for several reasons. It was super easy and the essential oils combination in these sachets just SPARKLES! I simply love it! To use these little scent powerhouses, hang in closet or place in a drawer. You could use as a package topper or include in a stocking! I promise, you’re going to LOVE this scent combination!

Plant Therapy DIY Christmas Project Spectacular Sachets with Chamomile Roman & Grapefruit

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Measure epsom salt into medium bowl
  2. Add essential oils and stir together well
  3. Add rice and stir again
  4. Spoon about 2 tbsp of the mix into each organza bag
  5. Store in an airtight container until ready to use

I chose to use epsom salt to better absorb the scent of the essential oils and “hold” onto it. Keep these stored in a small jar or other airtight container until your ready to gift or use them. This ensures the scent continues to permeate the rice/epsom salt in the bags. For even longer staying power, consider adding a teaspoon (or so) of any carrier oil to further “fix” the scent. Enjoy these little marvels in the car, in your closet or placed in your dresser drawers!

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