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Sniffle Season: Which Oils Do You Need in Your Medicine Cabinet?


Sniffle Season: Which Oils Do You Need in Your Medicine Cabinet?

With the changing of the seasons on the way, it ushers in an entirely different season: Sniffle Season. Runny nose, stuffy nose, rattling cough, trouble breathing… all these symptoms can make a passing cold seem so much worse. But a few well-chosen essential oils in your medicine cabinet can help ease the symptoms so you can back to enjoying life.

The Blends to Help Keep Sniffles Away

Sick woman asleep at work

Sniffle Season calls for Sniffle Stopper! This KidSafe blend is designed to help keep the head and respiratory tract clear. The combination of Fir Needle, Rosalina, Cypress, Spearmint and more not only have a cool, crisp and clean frosty winter forest aroma but will help you breathe better in no time.

If you don’t have to worry about young kids, Respir Aid is another fantastic synergy to help with the sniffles. It perfectly blends Eucalyptus, Pine, Peppermint and more to help clear congestion and breathe easier. Both these blends work well when diffused or even diluted in a carrier oil and used in a chest rub. And for those times when things feel worse than usual, try using 1-2 in a steam inhalation.

The Singles that Help Support Immune Health

Couple on the couch during Sniffle Season

Synergies are indeed great. They take the guesswork out of everything. Just a few drops to your diffuser and you’re good to go. But having a good selection of singles on hand can be just as important. It allows you to craft blends based on your specific needs and preferences. Maybe Cypress clears you up every time so you decide to make a blend with that as the heart of it. And if Peppermint is overpowering for you, you can leave it out altogether. If you need a boost of spirits to go with your clearer airways, then you can always add some Orange Sweet or Saro. Here are a few of the best oils to help with the sniffles.

Rosalina has many of the same amazing respiratory benefits of Eucalyptus but is a much gentler option. It’s especially good for helping clear congestion and ease breathing. You can even make your own DIY Vapor Rub for this very purpose! Another benefit of Rosalina is that it helps boost your immune system, which is much needed if you’re out with a cold.

Plant Therapy Balm Mint Bush Essential Oil

Another great oil to have in your arsenal is Balm Mint Bush. It has a minty, almost Eucalyptus like aroma that makes it perfect for respiratory support. It can help clear congestion and ease respiratory agitation. An added benefit is that this oil can be quite energizing!

Hailing from Australia, Eucalyptus is well known for its ability to help with respiratory problems. The best part is that all three varieties can help. Use Dives if you need something KidSafe, Radiata for a softer aroma, or the classic Globulus for your respiratory needs.

Plant Therapy Saro Essential Oil

Both Cypress and Fir Needle are great additions to your medicine cabinet. They both have fresh, clean aromas and support respiratory health. You can add one (or both!)to your diffuser to help clear congestion and get you breathing again. Or use steam inhalation to ease symptoms even more.

And last but not least, we have the lesser-known, but no less valuable, Saro. Like the other oils on this list, it can help with breathing when you’re stuck with the sniffles. But this useful oil can also help ward off germs, boost your immune system and stave off worry when the cold gets you down.