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Essentials Video: Sleep Easy Petitgrain Pillow Spray


Essentials Video: Sleep Easy Petitgrain Pillow Spray

There are so many reasons why it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep. Maybe your sleep schedule is off or you’re having a hard time relaxing your body or you can’t seem to shut your brain off. But one thing that can definitely derail a quality night’s sleep is worry and stress. This Sleep Easy Petitgrain Pillow Spray can help with just that. Petitgrain can help calm the mind and balance emotions when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Bergamot is another fantastic choice for helping ease worries. And lastly, Cedarwood Atlas helps create a calming, positive atmosphere while Vetiver promotes relaxation and balance. The result is a pillow spray that will truly have you sleeping easy!

Essentials Video: Sleep Easy Petitgrain Pillow Spray

Sleep Easy Petitgrain Pillow Spray

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Mix your essential oils into the Everclear. Once mixed thoroughly, pour into water and mix. Pour your final mixture into a spray bottle. Shake well before using on your pillow at bedtime.

Kidsafe: No. With the alcohol content, people will need to make a personal choice on whether it’s appropriate for their children.