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Self Care & Skin Care DIYs for the New Year


Self Care & Skin Care DIYs for the New Year

It’s official, 2020 is finally over. We can kick it to the curb and welcome in the new year with open arms. Usually, we start seeing new year’s resolutions everywhere and they are telling us how to improve ourselves. But not this year. This year we are going to take time to care for our mental and emotional wellbeing, practice self-care, and try to find our center again. Instead of tips on how to conquer your resolutions, here are some soothing self-care and skincare DIYs to help you start your year off right.

These quick and simple DIYs will leave you and your skin feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face whatever life throws at you. Featuring powerful ingredients like matcha powder, oats, Plant Therapy essential oils, and more, these recipes are exactly what you need to enhance your overall look and feel. Matcha powder is an excellent ingredient for skincare as it is known to have antibacterial properties as well as a large amount of epigallocatechin gallate (a plant compound) which helps reduce redness and inflammation as well as support even skin tone. Oats on the other hand help absorb some of the excess oil on the face while providing antioxidant and cleansing benefits for your skin.

And the diffuser blend will provide just the right amount of soothing, calming benefits to help you start your year off right.

*Green Tea CO2 Extract was December 2020’s Oil of the Month selection. If you don’t have it in your collection, you can also substitute Chamomile.

Hydrating Honey Lemon Tea Mask

Hydrating Honey Lemon Tea Face Mask

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

In a medium bowl, combine Clear Complex with essential oils. Add honey and stir. Add fine oats and matcha powder and stir well. Massage onto the face and allow it to sit for 15-30 minutes. Rinse well.

Store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to one week.

For a printable version, click here.

Self Care Diffuser Blend

Self Care Diffuser Blend

What you’ll need:

  1. 4 drops Green Tea CO2 Extract
  2. 3 drops Lavender
  3. 2 drops Vetiver

What you’ll do:

Add all these essential oils to your aromatherapy diffuser.

For a printable version, click here.

Soothing Lavender No-Sew Eye Mask

What you’ll need:

  1. Cotton fabric
  2. Hem tape
  3. 1/2 cup white rice
  4. 1/4 cup lavender buds

What you’ll do:

Fold your fabric to make a 6×6 in. square. Cut hem tape for two sides. Lay hem tape on the edges of the patterned side of the fabric. Iron each side with tape for about 30 seconds and allow to dry for at least 30 seconds. Turn the fabric out so the patterned side is facing outward. Fill with the desired amount of rice and lavender buds. Close the final sachet edge with hem tape and iron for 30 seconds to seal. Lay over eyes for a soothing, restful experience.

For a printable version, click here.


It’s completely okay to find yourself needing more. If this is you, check out our other tips and tricks to taking care of yourself and your emotional wellbeing here. For those of you who aren’t new to the self-care scene, let us know in the comments what your favorite tips and tricks are to staying calm, cool, collected, and healthy.