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Rest and Recover Bath Bomb Blend DIY


Rest and Recover Bath Bomb Blend DIY

After a long, stressful day, sometimes there’s nothing more relaxing than a nice, hot bath. Essential oils are the perfect addition to help make any bath therapeutic and restorative. The Rest and Recover Bath Bomb Blend combines the incredible aromas of Mandarin, Ho Wood, Chamomile Roman, and Frankincense Serrata.

In addition to having a sweet citrus scent, Mandarin can help soothe nervous tension and sadness when diffused. Plus Ho Wood and Chamomile Roman are both go-to choice for creating a calm, relaxing environment. So whip up these fun bath bombs and enjoy a fragrant and restorative bath!

Rest and Recover Bath Bomb Blend DIY

Rest and Recover Bath Bomb Blend

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

  • Whisk baking soda, Epsom salt, cornstarch, and citric acid thoroughly.
  • In a separate bowl, mix coconut oil, water, essential oils, and soap coloring (if desired).
  • Slowly add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk together. Add only a small amount of liquid at a time, whisking thoroughly each time.
  • Push firmly into silicone molds and allow to dry overnight.

*Note: Please add a preservative if these bath bombs will not be used within a week.