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Re-energize Aromatherapy Inhaler Blend DIY


Re-energize Aromatherapy Inhaler Blend DIY

We get it. Sometimes life can be straight up overwhelming. It can feel difficult to stay on top of work and family and everything else that life might throw at us. If you find yourself losing energy throughout the day, the Re-energize Inhaler Blend can be exactly what you need. It combines the citrusy and fresh aromas of Tangerine and Orange Blood to give you a little pick me up. This blend also uses Thyme Thymol, a warm, herbaceous oil that useful for supporting the immune system and respiratory tract. The combination helps you feel re-energized and healthy in the moments when you need it most.

Re-energize Inhaler Blend DIY

Re-energize Inhaler Blend

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

  • Add essential oils to your aromatherapy inhaler and use throughout the day as needed.