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Planting Kindness for Pride Month


Planting Kindness for Pride Month

This June, we celebrate Pride Month, a month full of love and celebration. It’s dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community and their advocates as they celebrate their journey while continuing to raise awareness on the current issues they face every day. As a part of our Planting Kindness program, we want to focus our efforts this June to help a special foundation, The Trevor Project. This organization provides much-needed crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ youth. Plus, we have a fun new essential oil blend for you to try that is special to Pride Month!

Pride Essential Oil Blend

shop pride essential blend now

To celebrate Pride Month, we are introducing our newest essential oil blend, Pride! This blend captures the fun, unapologetic, and unwavering spirit of the LGBTQ+ community. One whiff of the blend and you’ll pick up its fun and uplifting scent. Blending sparkling Pink Grapefruit, zesty Steam Distilled Lime, and juicy Mandarin with Black Pepper and Magnolia, this blend has an overall bright, yet spicy and sweet floral aroma.

Add this fresh blend into your diffuser for an uplifting atmosphere. Or, add it to unscented lotion or cream to take in its sweet citrus aroma throughout your day. Pride Essential Oil Blend is not KidSafe, Pregnancy Safe, Nursing Safe, or Pup & Pony Safe.

Plus, each purchase of the blend includes a free Pride Sticker! Keep in mind, you can only get one sticker per order. To receive multiple stickers, orders must be placed individually.

The Trevor Project

Throughout June, we are donating $5 for every bottle purchased of our newest blend, Pride, to an amazing foundation called The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project was founded in 1998 and is the nation’s leading organization providing crisis and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under the age of 25.

In addition, the foundation has multiple hotlines to call, online chat, or text confidentially with trained counselors and is available 24/7. Donations to The Trevor Project make it possible to provide free services to LGBTQ+ youth. In addition to the crisis hotlines, they provide training for volunteers. Not only do donations help continue their efforts, but anyone can volunteer and help an incredible organization. To learn more about their impact, visit their website here.

Celebrating Pride Month

Pride Month serves as a tribute to those involved in historic LGBTQ activism. Places around the world hold massive rallies, pride parades, workshops, and other events to unite the community . It’s a time to celebrate how far the movement has come and to recognize the progress that has been made.

In addition to its festive rainbow flags and glittery parades, Pride Month is also a time to encourage the community and its allies to learn the history of the movement. Taking the time to read LGBTQ+ books, watch movies, or binge TV shows can help the community understand the challenges and hopes the LGBTQ+ community has endured. This is another great way to celebrate Pride Month to understand and become stronger allies. To learn more about the history of Pride Month, click here.

How will you celebrate Pride Month? Let us know below!

Pride Month – June 2021. National Today. https://nationaltoday.com/pride-month-2021/