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Top 4 Ways to Use Petitgrain Essential Oil


Top 4 Ways to Use Petitgrain Essential Oil


Latin name: Citrus x aurantium

Aroma Description: Bitter-sweet, woody floral scent

Therapeutic benefits

  • Helps calm the mind and balance turbulent emotions.
  • Creates an uplifting and energizing atmosphere.
  • Helps soothe an upset stomach and other tummy troubles.
  • A great choice for skincare as it promotes clear skin while helping reduce blemishes and excess oil.
  • Makes a wonderful addition to perfume blends.


Yes! Petitgrain IS KidSafe.

Top 4 Ways to Use Petitgrain: Our Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Dilution instructions:

Dilute to 1-3% for topical application.

Diffusion instructions:

Add a couple drops to your diffuser for its woodsy, fresh aroma and uplifting qualities.

Oils to blend with:

Basil Linalool, Bergamot, Orange Blood, Coriander Seed, Jasmine Absolute, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Neroli, Palmarosa, Grapefruit Pink, Rosemary 1,8-Cineole, and Ylang Ylang Complete.

Additional reading

Petitgrain essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and twigs of the Seville bitter orange tree. And a few of our eagle-eyed readers will have recognized that this oil shares the botanical name of the delightful Neroli, which is distilled from the flowers. The result is two beautifully fragrant oils that make excellent additions to your perfume blends. Now let’s look at why Petitgrain deserves a regular spot in your essential oil collection.

Soothes Stomach Trouble

Woman relaxing at home

It is an excellent oil to have on hand when your stomach is upset. After all, it is one of the ingredients in our Tummy All Better synergy! Just dilute it in your favorite carrier oil to 1-3% and massage onto your stomach. It will help you feel better in no time.

Balances Emotions

Woman meditating at home

In addition to having a pleasant, woodsy almost floral quality about it, this is one of the best oils to have on hand when emotions are turbulent and you’re feeling overwhelmed. This oil is high in Linalool and Linalyl Acetate, both of which are useful for their calming and grounding properties. Because of these constituents, it can help you feel emotionally balanced and calm the mind when you need it most, whether its worry, anxiety or just a trying day. Try combining 2 drops with 2 drops of Mandarin to an aromatherapy diffuser or personal inhaler to help calm and balance the mind in times of emotional distress.

Clears Skin

Woman with clear skin surrounded by leaves

If you have oily skin, this is an ideal oil to add to your skincare routine. It will help reduce excess oil on your skin and fight off blemishes. You can even use it as a spot treatment for when those pesky pimples pop up. Try using it in a facial serum with Tea Tree, Bergamot, Cedarwood Virginian in Grapeseed Carrier Oil!

Uplifts & Energizes

woman relaxing on her couch

Not only does Petitgrain help calm you down when emotions feel out of control, but it is one of those oils that won’t also make you drowsy at the same. Add a few drops to your diffuser to help create a positive, uplifting and even energizing atmosphere. It’ll be perfect when you need that extra calm but you still need to stay productive.

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