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Juniper Berry: Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Juniper Berry: Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Juniper Berry

Latin name: Juniperus communis

Aroma Description: Sharp green, woody conifer scent

Therapeutic benefits

  • Promotes a calming effect on nervous tension.
  • Natural air purifier when diffused.
  • Resolved to get fit in the new year? Apply topically diluted in a carrier oil to help ease the discomfort of a strenuous workout.
  • Assists with feelings of congestion or tightness in legs.


Yes! This oil IS KidSafe.

Dilution instructions:

Add 2 drops of Juniper Berry, two drops of cypress, and 2 drops of Roman chamomile in a carrier oil to apply to areas of soreness after a workout.

spotlight essential oil of the week: Juniper Berry Plant TherapyDiffusion instructions:

Add a few drops to your diffuser to use as a natural air purifier or to aid in meditation.

Oils to blend with:

Bergamot, Clary Sage, Chamomile Roman, Coriander Seed, Cypress, Fir Needle, Frankincense Frereana, Grapefruit Pink, Laurel Leaf, Blood Orange, and Black Pepper.

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