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Hydrosols: The Ultimate Guide


Hydrosols: The Ultimate Guide

We strive to provide the most high quality and diverse selection of aromatherapy materials and supplies possible. This includes things like essential oils, botanical extracts, and these beautiful things called hydrosols. For those of you new to the wonderful world of aromatherapy, you may be wondering what exactly a hydrosol is. A hydrosol, very simply put, is the remaining water left over from the distillation of plants when creating essential oils. Pretty cool, huh? They are very unique and versatile waters that can be used for minor cooking burns, skin care, relaxation, and more (but we’ll talk more about these things later).

Origins of Hydrosols

There is little truly known about where exactly hydrosols originated from or how long they have existed. According to an article, Brief History of Hydrosols, written by Ann Harman for the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, hydrosols came long before essential oils did by hundreds or even thousands of years! It is very likely that as stills developed and expanded through different eras and civilizations that their uses did as well according to the book, Short History of the Art of Distillation, by R.J. Forbes. Because of the long history distillation has behind it, it should come as no surprise today that we have these amazing and beneficial aromatic tools to help us live healthier, happier lives.

Are All Hydrosols the Same?

The short answer is no. It’s important to understand that because there is no real governing body over aromatherapy, essential oils, or even hydrosols, there is no set standard on what encompasses a hydrosol or what to even call it when selling on the market. If you were to do a quick search on the internet for hydrosols, you’d like likely see a number of different terms like hydrolate, distillate water, floral water, herbal distillate, aromatic water, and more. While these are all terms that can be used for the same thing, the actual products are not necessarily the same.

While researching which hydrosols are right for you, it is important to remember that when the term hydrosol is used correctly, it refers to the water left over from distillation. Often times companies will sell floral waters, flower waters, or hydrosols that are nothing but essential oils mixed with water, witch hazel, or alcohol. This is not a true hydrosol and should not be used in the same manner. If you aren’t sure what kind of product a company is selling, it’s always okay (and recommended) to ask questions.

How to Use Hydrosols

Hydrosols are a safe and gentle way to accomplish delicate tasks where essential oils may be a bit heavy-handed. We’ve put together some of our favorite ways to use hydrosols in another blog post that may benefit you and your family. They’re fantastic for everything from skincare to linen sprays to helping with teething or diaper rash.

Meet Our Hydrosols

Plant Therapy is very excited to offer nine different hydrosols! Each one of our beautiful hydrosols has unique uses and aromas that you’re sure to fall in love with. Let’s take a deeper look into each of the options we have available for you.


Our Rosemary Hydrosol has a unique, spicy and herbaceous aroma that is often used to help stimulate the mind and help increase alertness and concentration. It also promotes overall skin and scalp health leaving you with smooth, beautiful skin all year long.

Roman Chamomile

Both calming and soothing, Roman Chamomile Hydrosol is excellent for the skin and can be used on both children and adults to soothe minor irritations, providing a comforting and moisturizing effect that feels amazing. Additionally, our Roman Chamomile Hydrosol is the perfect option for the unique issues that face infants and toddlers. From teething to diaper irritation, this is definitely the one you want in your arsenal.


Plant Therapy’s unique Helichrysum Hydrosol features a beautiful honeyed, herbal, and earthy aroma you are sure to love. It is helpful for a wide range of issues including soothing skin irritations from outdoor pests and plants. Try pairing it with another hydrosol like Rosemary or Rose to help purify and balance the skin. When used as a cold compress, Helichrysum can help soothe sore muscles after a long day or intense workout.


With a deeper, earthier scent than your typical Lavender Essential Oil, Plant Therapy’s Lavender Hydrosol is reminiscent of a lavender field after the rain. It still has the famously calming characteristics of lavender, as well as the unique ability to soothe dry, irritated skin. Use it to promote a good night’s rest and overall relaxation whenever the need arises.


Plant Therapy’s Peppermint Hydrosol is prized for its cooling, invigorating properties. Its fresh, minty, and herbal aroma is a popular option for those who suffer from hot flashes and hormonal changes. This invigorating hydrosol is also excellent for foot balms, a relaxing foot bath, or a cooling foot spray. It will leave your feet feeling refreshed after a long day.


With a delicate rose garden scent, our Rose Hydrosol helps to bring a sense of well-being and peace to the senses. Use it as a room or linen spray to help assist with emotions when you’re feeling down or stagnant. You can also spritz it on before leaving the house for a fabulously light and floral perfume. Add it to your skincare routine as a cleansing facial toner to help brighten and smooth the toughest skin.

Tea Tree

Tea Tree Hydrosol is a great item to have on hand to help with minor scuffs and scrapes for both adults and children alike. After rinsing the area with soap and water, simply spray the area of concern to promote healing. This gentle hydrosol also works well as a toner, especially for those who are prone to blemishes and acne.


Now that we’ve talked a little bit about hydrosols… we want to hear from you! What’s your favorite one? Let us know in the comments below!