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How to DIY Like a Pro and Other Ways to Keep Busy


How to DIY Like a Pro and Other Ways to Keep Busy

So you’re stuck at home… now what? For some people, it means juggling Zoom meetings while making sure the kids don’t kill each other. For others, it means doing what you need to do to make it through self-isolation, even if all that is is watching Netflix to cope with the loneliness and stress of it all. But there’s some of you out there that are going positively stir crazy! With so much time on your hands, you’re on the lookout for more fun ways to stay occupied, be productive and make the most of your newfound free time. We’ve put together some of our favorite ways to keep busy, spread some love to those around us, and maybe become a DIY pro in the process.

Do All the DIYs

This might be your first thought…. use all the feel-good essential oils, get things done. But where to start? A quick browse through our DIYs on the blog might leave you feeling more overwhelmed than when you started. Contrary to what it might seem, you don’t actually need all the ingredients and all the essential oils. So first things first… take stock of what’s in your DIY cabinet (or pantry). Here are a few things you’ll need to tackle most of the DIYs you might find (maybe not the bath bombs though):

  • A good carrier oil. While you might find blends and combinations, oftentimes just one versatile carrier will do the trick! Fractionated Coconut Oil is our favorite.
  • Unscented lotion or body cream. Unscented lotions are perfect for customizing your favorite moisturizer with a delightful scent or therapeutic property.
  • Everclear. One of our favorites! Everclear is ideal to use in water-based DIYs like room sprays or cleaners. It acts as both an emulsifier and preservative.
  • Baking soda. If you’ve got spring cleaning on the mind, this is a must. Plus you probably already have it in your pantry.
  • Epsom salt or Himalayan salt. Relaxing bath on your mind? Epsom and Himalayan salt make a great addition to your EO bath salts or scrubs.
  • Sugar. Lip scrubs, leg scrubs, face scrubs… whatever you want to scrub, sugar is your friend.
  • Beeswax. Beeswax is a must-have for making balms, salves and solid perfumes.
  • Shea Butter. Want to make your own lotion? Combine Shea with your favorite carrier oils to make your own moisturizer.

This won’t cover all the DIYs, but these staples are sure to get you started on your DIY journey and help you keep busy. And if you’re worried about your essential oil stores, use this handy guide to find a substitute when you need one.

Organize Your Closet

Spring is when we’re putting away the sweaters and bringing out the sundresses. Now’s the perfect time to sort through your clothes, clear out what doesn’t fit anymore and get your wardrobe ready for spring. Plus with many ways to donate your clothes, you can give them a new life (even if it’s recycled into something new) and reduce your carbon footprint.

But once your wardrobe is something that even Marie Kondo would approve of, you can keep your drawers and linen closets smelling fresh with these easy No-Sew Sachets. You can use whatever blend you like, although our new spring blends are the perfect place to start

Tea Tree Essential Oil Plant Therapy

Clean All the Things

It’s not called spring cleaning for nothing! Now that you have more time on your hands, you might be itching to finally vacuum under all the furniture, clean out the fridge or wash the outsides of your windows. Check out a few of our favorite cleaning DIYs to help your home sparkle and smell fantastic.

Make Face Masks

With the updated guidelines from the CDC, we know that covering our faces can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. With some basic sewing skills (and this easy to follow pattern) you can make masks for your family or give to organizations in need.

Volunteer From Home

With extra time on your hands, you may be looking for ways to pay it forward. There are over 100,000 opportunities for you to put your skills to work and become a virtual volunteer.

Get Crafty

Sewing, knitting, embroidery, painting… Chances are whatever your hobby is, you’ve put your supplies away wondering when you’d actually have time to use all your yarn or paint those canvases. Now’s your chance! Plus you could get an early start on homemade Christmas presents. That way you can keep busy and not worry about the time crunch during the holidays.

Woman drinking coffee and reading a book at home

Join a Virtual Book Club

Finding ways to stay connected is as important as ever. You can take in the latest hot read while getting some face time with your favorite, book-loving friends. Find some book clubs to join or learn how to start your own here!

Mother and daughter doing yoga together

Do Yoga at Home

Gyms might be closed and your favorite yoga studio might have shut its doors, but you can still strike a warrior pose in your living room. Tune in to our Facebook Live on Wellness Wednesday where Amanda Jones leads us in an amazing yoga practice. You can access previous videos for something new or search Youtube to find more practices than you could possibly hope for. Enhance the experience by incorporating a few diffuser blends.

Woman trying to keep busy on her phone

Learn a Language

All that extra time on your hands might be just what you need to learn a few lines of French while planning your next vacay to Paris. Free apps like Duolingo are Babbel are great places to start so you can keep busy!

Woman meditation on a yoga mat at home


While it can be exciting to get things done, this time can also be incredibly stressful and trying for everybody. Meditation might be a beneficial way to find a little calm in the craziness of it all. You can add your favorite calming diffuser blends to the mix to help you find peace.

woman relaxing in a bath

Practice Self Care

Self-care looks different for everyone. For some, it’s losing yourself in a binge-able show, for others it’s tackling that TBR (to be read) pile of books by your bedside, and for others, it’s showing your body some love and care. Check out a few of our favorite DIYs to help your skin glow, hair shine and your inner self feel calm.