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Happy Spring Cleaning with Plant Therapy


Happy Spring Cleaning with Plant Therapy

Spring is right around the corner! Which means it’s time to begin preparing for everyone’s beloved yearly ritual… spring cleaning. Okay, so it may not be a beloved time of year for everyone, but it can be worthwhile. Preparing for your yearly spring cleaning festivities ensures that you not only are successful but that you get that sparkling clean and fresh smelling house. To help you have a happy spring, Plant Therapy is very excited to announce our new line of spring-inspired products. Let’s take a look at all of these exciting new products, as well as some tips and tricks to make spring cleaning success possible.

Happy Spring Essential Oil Blends

Happy Spring Essential Oil Blends

The Happy Spring Set has everything you need to welcome the coming of the new season! With three fresh and uplifting blends, you can enjoy the soft scents of spring while you tackle your cleaning projects and when you finally get to sit back, relax, and enjoy your hard work.

Fresh Picked Citrus

Take your senses on an exciting journey through a bright citrus grove with our new Fresh Picked Citrus essential oil blend. The sweet, juicy smell of Orange Essence, Pink Grapefruit, and Sweet Orange pairs perfectly with the slightly earthy smell of Petitgrain, Black Pepper, and Vetiver to provide an exhilarating uplifting experience. When used in our Closet and Drawer Sachet DIY, Fresh Picked Citrus will make your stuffy closets and drawers smell fresh, open, and bursting with joy.

  • Ingredients: Orange Essence, Sweet Orange, Pink Grapefruit, Petitgrain, Bergamot Mint, Black Pepper, and Vetiver
  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy & Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Approved: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years

Rainy Days

Spring is not all about sunshine and daisies. That’s why we brought back one of our customer favorites, Rainy Days! With its damp, earthy, fir-like undertones, Rainy Days is exactly what you need to create a relaxing atmosphere that will bring back beautiful memories of long spring days and gentle rain showers. Shower your home in a beautiful DIY Room and Linen Spray that can be adapted to feature our gorgeous Rainy Days essential oil blend.

  • Ingredients: Orange Essence, Copaiba Oleoresin, Lemon, Fir Needle, Amyris, Ho Wood, and Coriander.
  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy & Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Approved: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years

Fresh Meadow

Our Fresh Meadow essential oil blend perfectly balances citrus, floral, and spice to create an uplifting and calming atmosphere that ignites the feeling of soft spring breezes flowing through your home. Featuring our Orange Essence, Amyris, Bergamot, Steam Distilled Ginger Root, and Jasmine Absolute essential oils, this blend fits perfectly into any of your favorite DIY cleaners. If you’re ready to rid your home of winter dust and nail your spring cleaning, use Fresh Meadow in our DIY Dusting Spray. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

  • Ingredients: Orange Essence, Amyris, Bergamot, Ginger Root Steam Distilled, and Jasmine Absolute.
  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy & Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Approved: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years

Happy Spring Multi-Surface Cleaner Concentrates

Spring Multi-Surface Cleaners

Spring cleaning wouldn’t be complete without a multi-surface cleaner that does it all. We took our top-rated multi-surface cleaner concentrate and gave it a refresh with two of our spring blends. Now while you’re cleaning those oft-ignored corners and crevices, you can breathe in the bright and refreshing scents of spring.

To learn more about all the active plant-based ingredients in our cleaners that effortlessly cut through grease and grime, click here.

Plant Therapy Spring Liquid Hand Soaps

Spring Liquid Hand Soaps

Much like our cleaners, we gave our nourishing liquid hand soaps the same refreshing treatment as our cleaners. Enjoy the subtle scents of Fresh Meadow, Fresh Picked Citrus, and Rainy Days as the nourishing plant-based extracts and cleansers clean and soften your hands. These soaps are available in a three-pack of each scent, or try all three in an assortment pack!

What are your best tips for tackling spring cleaning? Let us know in the comments below!