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Grapefruit Pink Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Grapefruit Pink Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Grapefruit Pink

  • Latin name: Citrus x paradisi
  • Aroma description: Sweet, juicy fresh citrus scent.

Therapeutic benefits

  • Brings about a refreshed and brighter mood.
  • Dispels mental fatigue.
  • Improves congested, oily, or blemish prone skin.
  • Promotes healthy, luscious locks.
  • Relieves occasional digestive upset.


Yes! This IS a KidSafe oil.

Dilution instructions:

Grapefruit Pink can cause photosensitivity. To avoid this, we recommend a dilution no higher than 4%, or 36 drops of oil per ounce of carrier oil.

Diffusion instructions:

Diffuse alone to combat mental fatigue or to give you a boost whenever you want to enjoy a brighter mood. Or, combine several drops of Grapefruit Pink with 2-3 drops of Fir Needle or Rosemary 1,8-Cineole to help with occasional tension in the head and neck.

Where Grapefruit Pink is used on the body:

For a digestive upset, dilute appropriately in a carrier oil and apply topically to the abdomen. If you suffer from oily and blemish-prone skin, dilute to 1% and apply to the face. Add it to your favorite hair care products to help promote healthy, luscious locks.

Oils to blend with:

Citronella, Coriander Seed, Fir Needle, Geranium Egyptian, Jasmine Absolute, Juniper Berry, Neroli, Petitgrain, Rosemary 1,8-Cineole, and Ylang Ylang Complete.

Refreshing Citrus Diffuser Blend

Add 3 drops of Grapefruit Pink and Orange Sweet, with 1 drop of Lime to your favorite aromatherapy diffuser, personal inhaler, or diffuser necklace to create a wonderful citrus blend that is refreshing and helps brighten the mood.

Heart Song Diffuser Blend

Plant Therapy Diffuser Blend

What you’ll need:

To use, add these oils to your diffuser and enjoy this uplifting and soothing blend.