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Essentials Video: Geranium Egyptian Evening Body Cream


Essentials Video: Geranium Egyptian Evening Body Cream

Let’s be honest. DIYs are one of our favorite ways to get the most out of our essential oils. Plus, they’re a fantastic and natural way to elevate our skincare regimen. This recipe for Evening Body Cream packs all the intense moisturizing properties of Shea Butter and Coconut Oil and combines them with some of the best essential oils for skincare, including Geranium Egyptian.

Once you’ve whipped up this simple DIY, add it to your bedtime skincare routine and enjoy its amazing overnight moisturizing benefits.

Essentials Video: Geranium Egyptian Evening Body Cream DIY Recipe

Evening Body Cream

What you’ll need:

*Sea Fennel was a former Oil of the Month through our monthly subscription! Be sure to sign up today and never miss an exotic, new or interesting oil!

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What you’ll do:

  • Mix together shea butter and solid coconut oil.
  • In a separate bowl, blend carrier oils with essential oils and add to shea butter and coconut oil.
  • Whip together for 5 minutes and store in an airtight container.
  • Apply to a clean face in the evening.