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Festivals, Fairs, and Outdoor Fun


Festivals, Fairs, and Outdoor Fun

Plant Therapy was started and is currently local in Twin Falls, Idaho. Some Idahoans would argue that we have more than four seasons. We are lucky or unlucky enough to have twelve! We are currently in what we tenderly call Mud Season. Right after the Spring of Deception and Third Winter. With true spring finally on the horizon, we at Plant Therapy cannot wait to get outside and do things again! With festivals, fairs, and celebrations coming up, here are three of our favorite outdoor activity DIYs to help you safely enjoy all the warmer weather has to offer!

It’s finally time to pull out those shorts from last year! Unfortunately with the warmer seasons come chafing. The bane of any cute outfit! This wonderful balm can help prevent chafing and nourish any irritated skin. If the chafing is causing discomfort, add up to 90 drops of Lavender or Frankincense Carterii.

3 Ingredient Natural Chafing Cream

What you’ll need:
  • ¼ cup Shea Butter
  • ¼ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tbsp Cornstarch or Arrow Root Powder
Simply combine all the ingredients with a mixer until paste forms and store in an airtight container. Apply directly to your skin wherever the friction is occurring. This balm will last about 6 months.


Person holding unmarked cream while sitting on bed

Essential oils are a wonderful way to boost your immune system. However, it’s not always convenient to diffuse your oils when around others. Adding oils to unscented lotion is one of the easiest ways to enjoy oils without affecting anyone around you! You can replace the oils above with 18 drops of our wonderful blends Germ Fighter or Germ Destroyer.

Easy Immune Lotion

What you’ll need:
  • 1 oz Unscented Aloe and Shea Lotion
  • 6 drops Virginian Cedarwood
  • 6 drops Balsam Fir
  • 6 drops Sweet Orange
Combine oils and lotion in a bowl and store in an airtight container. This lotion will last about one to two years.

Soothing Sun Balm

What you’ll need:
  • 6 drops Lavender
  • 6 drops Sweet Orange
  • 3 drops Neroli
  • 1 oz Shea Butter
  • 1 oz Beeswax Pellets
  • 1/2 oz Jojoba Carrier Oil
  • 1/2 oz Avocado Carrier Oil
  • Tin or Glass container
What you will do:
Melt the Beeswax and Shea Butter in a double boiler. Once melted, take off the heat, add the carrier oils and essential oils and combine. Before the mixture cools, pour into glass jars and loosely cover until room temperature. This recipe makes approximately 2 oz.