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Everyday Adventure Supports Girls on the Run


Everyday Adventure Supports Girls on the Run
Exploring the world around them through playing outside, meeting new friends, and trying new things can be incredibly beneficial for a child's growing mind.  But sometimes, kids, like adults, can feel unmotivated, lethargic, and a bit unwilling to step out of their comfort zone. To help ignite a spark of inspiration and energy, we’ve created our Everyday Adventure KidSafe Essential Oil Blend. Zesty citrus oils bring a burst of energy and positivity, setting the tone for an adventurous day ahead. The grounding and encouraging properties of Frankincense, Cypress, and Cedarwood help support feelings of confidence when nervousness gets in the way. Finally, cooling Eucalyptus and spicy Ginger and Black Pepper oils clear up foggy minds and awaken the senses, setting the stage for an adventurous spirit to embrace new experiences! Incorporate this blend anytime your child could use a natural boost to help take on the day with enthusiasm and positivity.

With each purchase of Everyday Adventure throughout August, Plant Therapy will donate $5 to Girls on the Run Southern Idaho, a dynamic and empowering organization dedicated to inspiring young girls to reach their full potential. Girls are encouraged to embrace their strengths, overcome challenges, and discover their limitless potential through a combination of physical activity, mentorship, and confidence-building curriculum.

Everyday Adventure KidSafe Essential Oil Blend

Some Things To Know

Aromatic Scent: Sweet citrus scent with a hint of spice
KidSafe: Yes
Pregnancy Safe/Nursing Safe: No
Pup & Pony Safe: No
How To Use: 
  • Aromatic: Diffuse using 4-6 drops per 100 mL of water 
  • Topical: Dilute to 2-4% in a carrier.

DIY Scented Sidewalk Chalk

DIY Scented Sidewalk Chalk

What you’ll need:
What You’ll Do:
Pour water and paint into a bowl. Once stirred, add your essential oils, then add Plaster of Paris and stir well. Make sure you get all the lumps out. Pour the mixture into your molds and allow to harden. Depending on the consistency you prefer, you may need to let the mixture harden for up to 48 hours.
*Not for children under two years old. Adult supervision is always recommended.