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Essentials Video: Vanilla Bath Bomb


Essentials Video: Vanilla Bath Bomb

Goodbye bubble bath. So long rubber ducky! Once you try a bath bomb, you’ll never want to go back. If you’re already a fan or are excited to give them a whirl, this DIY is for you. This recipe calls for some ingredients that you probably already have at your house, like baking soda and cornstarch, and some you might need to pick up at the store, like citric acid and soap coloring. But not to worry, this DIY is simple enough for any newbie.

Not only is this Vanilla Bath Bomb DIY all natural, but they also use the fantastic aromas of Vanilla Oleoresin and Orange Sweet essential oils to create a soothing and fun bath experience.

DIY Vanilla Bath Bomb

Vanilla Bath Bomb

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

  1. Whisk baking soda, Epsom salt, cornstarch, and citric acid thoroughly.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix alcohol and Vanilla Oleoresin until blended.
  3. In the same bowl, mix coconut oil, water, Orange Sweet, and soap coloring (if desired).
  4. Slowly add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk together. Add only a small amount of liquid at a time, whisking thoroughly each time.
  5. Push firmly into silicone molds and allow to dry overnight.