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8 Perfect Essential Oil Gifts for Every Kind of Mom!


8 Perfect Essential Oil Gifts for Every Kind of Mom!

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! Don’t let it sneak up on you this year. Instead of scrambling to find the perfect gift at the last minute, let us help you out! With these cheeky mom stereotypes, we’re taking the stress out of finding the perfect Mother’s Day gift. Whatever your mom loves, we’re sure to have you covered!

1. Mom-On-The-Go

This busy bee has a lot going on. She’s like a fully charged battery with a never ending to-do list! We’ve got just what she needs to make the most out of her day.


  • Energy Synergy Roll-On: This all-natural way to keep energy up helps Mom power through her day, even when that midday slump starts to set in. A healthier alternative than constantly reaching for coffee, or buying another energy drink, this roll-on is a compact travel buddy that fits right into her purse, to use whenever she needs a boost!
  • Relaxation Synergy Set: After that busy day, Mom should get the rest and relaxation she deserves! This set includes three amazing synergies that will help Mom unwind and have a few moments of peace to herself.

2. New Mom

Being a new mother is quite an experience! With her time entirely consumed caring for a little bundle of love, show her how much you appreciate all of her tireless and selfless actions with gifts just for her – and not the baby!


  • Fruits Set: Fruity essential oils are amazing mood boosters! Bright and rejuvenating, it’s hard not to feel happy when you have these oils around. They are also great for freshening up the aroma of any room, because — let’s be real — babies can make some big, stinky messes!
  • Rose Hydrosol: A fresh rose garden on a whim? Yes, please! New moms will love the instant sense of calmness and wellbeing this lovely aroma brings. Plus, it’s so quick and easy to use. No dilution or diffusers required – just spray and enjoy!

3. Fitness Mom

Running, biking, swimming, yoga, weights, and everything in between! This mom is passionate about exercise. She needs something to heal her mind, body, and spirit after pushing herself to the limit.


  • Chakra Synergies Set: A totally unique set of seven synergies designed to stimulate the natural energy systems within ourselves. Perfect for any self-care routine, this set is beautifully packaged and comes with a detailed booklet. It’s also newly available as pre-diluted roll-ons!
  • Muscle Aloe Jelly: Muscles hard at work deserve to be pampered! This icy/hot combination soothes and relaxes muscles, helping them feel great and recover quicker. Mom will definitely love this gift, especially after a hard workout!

4. Gardening Mom

Not one to be outdone by her neighbor’s frantically blooming azaleas, this mom will spend hours in dirt and sweltering sun to sow, grow, and love her garden. It’s her own personal sanctuary of bright and fragrant blossoms, backyard critters, and fresh air!


  • Nature Shield Synergy: Help Mom keep those pesky mosquitoes away while she’s outside enjoying her garden. Using essential oils that are famously effective for deterring pests, take it a step further and make Mom an outdoor candle!
  • Spring Blends Set: Rainy and windy springtime weather can keep Mom indoors. These synergies have pleasant spring aromas that will brighten her mood while she’s waiting out the storm.

5. Tech-Savvy Mom

This technology-loving-lady is always in-the-know about the latest gadgets and high-tech toys. Maybe she’s a gamer, a blogger, or an IT wiz; these moms can really benefit from some great products during their screen time.


  • Diffuse on the Move: With a USB port and a car charger, this tiny essential oil diffuser is portable and adorable. Coming in pink, champagne, white, and black, you’re sure to find a style that fits your mom just right!
  • Munchy Stop Roll-On: Anyone who’s spent long period of time in front of a screen knows it can be a struggle to resist the urge to snack — especially on salty and sweet treats. Usually, the long-term effects of this snacking cancels out the brief instant gratification it gives. Help mom curb these cravings and stay healthier with this synergy designed to boost willpower and reduce snacking.

6. All Natural Mom

With her interest in organic and whole foods, creating a toxin-free home environment, and using all of the most natural products available, this mom is commits herself to finding the best ways to build the healthiest environment for her family!


  • Organic Sampler Set: With the USDA Certified Organic seal, Mom will feel confident knowing these essential oils are made with the purest organic materials, including no GMOs, or harmful pesticides, and are grown in clean soil.
  • Organic Rose Otto: Think the Organic Mom in your life has everything she needs? Think again. This will easily become her most prized organic product — Steam distilled from the petals of the Bulgarian Damask Rose, just a tiny bit is all that’s needed to enjoy its amazing properties. Interested in a more economical option? Try Organic Rose Otto 10%.

7. First-Time Grandma

A new grandbaby is such an exciting experience! Mother’s Day is the perfect time to thank Grandma for all her help, support, and unconditional love she selflessly gives to her children, and now her grandchildren.


  • Younger Glow Carrier Oil Blend: With the powerful oils of Sesame Seed, Sunflower, Camellia Seed, Rosehip, Argan, and Vitamin E, Grandma is going to love how this blend nourishes and conditions her skin.
  • Lavender Set: Perfect for every lavender-lover! With the body cream, essential oil, pre-diluted roll-on, and aloe jelly, this set is soothing, hydrating, and filled with the many therapeutic benefits of lavender.

8. Mother-In-Law

Maybe you’ve known her for years or maybe you’ve just met — either way, these thoughtful gifts are sure to strengthen that sometimes tumultuous in-law relationship!

  • Tree of Life Aromatherapy Diffuser Locket: This beautiful locket is a wonderful way to keep her favorite essential oils close. In both gold and silver colored options, and with an adjustable chain, it’s easy to style with any outfit!
  • Precious Flowers Set: Kept in its own petite wooden box, these three treasured floral scents are sure to bring joy into any woman’s life. This set contains Rose Absolute, Neroli, and Jasmine Absolute. Each of these unique florals carry profound emotional effects.

Every Mother’s Day is an opportunity to tell your mom how special she is to you. We hope these suggestions sparked some ideas for the kind of unique gifts your mom will love!