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DIY Essential Oil Perfume for Holiday Parties (or Gifts!)


DIY Essential Oil Perfume for Holiday Parties (or Gifts!)

The season of holiday parties is upon us. Even though it’s not recommended to diffuse essential oils in a crowd or during public events, you can still enjoy them — trust us!

One of our favorite ways to get all the benefits of your beloved oils is to create your own essential oil perfume. Today we’re sharing this recipe for a sweet, citrusy spray you’re going to love.

Vanilla Orange Blossoms DIY Essential Oil Perfume

Plant Therapy vanilla orange blossoms perfume DIY instructions

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

To make this perfume, add all your ingredients to your spray bottle or roll-on bottle and apply as desired.

Don’t forget to check out our blog DIY page for even more great ideas!