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If you’re like so many millions of Americans, this new year is a chance to make goals and resolutions of how you want to change. It can be traditional, like wanting to eat healthier, or maybe something a little more unique, learning a language. But here’s the thing with resolutions… they can be a little, or a lot, intimidating. There’s a reason we save it for the beginning of the year when we get a fresh start and blank slate. But it doesn’t matter how much the resolution scares you or if you’ve tried to do it before but didn’t succeed, this time around you’ve got essential oils to support you along the journey. One of our newest essential oil blend Courage can help give you a boost of confidence and bravery when you’re facing your goals.

Plant Therapy Ready Set Essential Oils

Today marks the first in a series focusing on each blend in our new Ready, Set, Go! Set. It includes six blends that were carefully crafted to help you tackle the hurdles and struggles that might come your way. Let’s take a look at Courage and how it can help you on your self-improvement journey!

Plant Therapy Courage Essential Oil Blend


Be bold. Be fearless. Clear your mind, focus on your intentions, and tell yourself “I can do this!”. Whether your kiddo needs some courage before his or her first karate class, or you need to alleviate some nervous jitters before a big work presentation, this blend of essential oils supports your resolve and helps you face your fears.

What’s in It?

Cypress: Possibly one of the best-known essential oils for courage, Cypress has long been used to help people deal with sudden changes or loss. Emotionally, it is thought to dissolve remorse and instill optimism by allowing suppressed feelings to surface to consciousness so that we can face our fears no matter what life throws our way.

Balsam Fir: The respiratory support provided by this essential oil allows us to take in deep, rejuvenating breaths and tackle our fears! Plus, its rich, invigorating, stimulating, and energizing properties contribute to a lift of emotional strength.

Bergamot Mint: If you need a boost of courage in your life, Bergamot Mint can help! It is uplifting and mentally stimulating, while also thought to help manage situational anxiety and depression.

Juniper Berry: When your worry is rooted in fears of failure, you’ll never have the courage you need to tackle new obstacles. Juniper Berry helps to rid us of that worry that can be all-consuming by restoring a sense of determination and openness. This essential oil is thought to be especially beneficial for those who feel misunderstood by others and tend to withdraw rather than demonstrate courage.

Cardamom: Traditionally used as a tonic for the nerves, Cardamom is still thought of today as a great way to soothe nervous tension and dispel negative thinking to help give you the courage you need to go forth and do great things! It is also believed to be a stimulant, helping to boost energy and clarity. Cardamom is a great oil to help strengthen your resolve in the face of challenges, particularly when those challenges test your mental or physical stamina.

Egyptian Geranium: Geranium, by helping tackling feelings of anxiety, can grant us with a sense of security needed to overcome fear and try something new. Geranium helps provide a sense of calm strength and harmony; perfect when you need to feel secure to move forward with your goals.

lose weight with essential oils

How to Use It

Let’s start with the basics. You’ll use 2-3 drops per 100 mL of water or dilute 2-3% in a carrier oil. As this oil is designed to help you mentally and emotionally, it’s an excellent choice to have when you’re out and about. Personal aromatherapy inhalers and aromatherapy necklaces are a fantastic way to reap the benefits of this blend whether you’re at work, getting started at the gym or going back to school. Or try adding it to your favorite lotion for a nice hand cream! Then you can take a whiff any time you’re in need of a boost of confidence. Remember, inhale courage, exhale fear! You’ve got this.

Courage Hand Cream

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Blend all ingredients and mix well then apply to your hands.

Looking for a fun community where you can share and learn about all things essential oils (and New Year’s Resolutions)? Be sure to check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group!