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Comforting Caraway and Celery Seed!


Comforting Caraway and Celery Seed!

For the month of November, we are introducing two spicy KidSafe seed oils that lend comfort to upset stomachs.

Our Caraway Seed CO2 and Celery Seed oils are an Oil of the Month offering throughout the month of November. Check back with us soon to see if we have added it to our collection.

Caraway Seed CO2

The light and refreshing characteristics of Caraway Seed CO2 have a profound effect on emotional well-being, leaving you balanced and energized for the day. Its warm, rich aroma is similar to fresh rye bread and helps stimulate a tired mind and promote feelings of alertness. Traditionally, the seeds of the Caraway herb were often used to make “comfits,” or seeds coated in sugar, to eat after meals to help aid in digestion and relieve feelings of bloat. That is because the seed, much like the oil it creates, has carminative properties that support the digestive system and can ease discomfort caused by excess gas and cramping. Additionally, Caraway Seed CO2 can support the respiratory system during times of seasonal concerns as well as encourage a strong immune system. It makes a great addition to cleaning products thanks to its high limonene content, which not only helps to freshen up your space, but also imparts a stimulating, inviting, and spicy scent.

An oil so nice we’re offering it twice! Previously offered in 2017, we couldn’t resist pairing the popular Caraway Seed CO2 with Celery Seed as they complement each other nicely.

Some Things to Know

Botanical Name: Carum carvi

Country of Origin: Germany

Plant Part Used: Seed

Primary Constituents:

  • Limonene
  • Carvone
  • Myrcene

Aromatic Scent: Rich, warm, spicy aroma reminiscent of fresh rye bread

Directions: Aromatic – Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical – Dilute to 0.5-2% in a carrier.

Shelf Life: 3-4 Years

KidSafe: Yes

Pregnancy Safe/Nursing Safe/Pup & Pony Safe: No

Celery Seed Essential Oil

Cultivated for thousands of years, the popular aromatic vegetable Celery is no stranger! Both its fiber-packed stalks and seeds are often added to soups, salads, smoothies, and snacks for an added boost of vitamins and minerals. It is from the steam distillation of the tiny, flavorful seeds that the vibrant, tenacious essential oil is produced. With its warm, herbal, and slightly spicy aroma, Celery Seed Essential Oil provides wonderful support to an upset stomach, especially gut issues related to feelings of stress and nervousness. When used as part of a warm compress or massage blend, this oil can also relax discomfort associated with menstrual cramps and helps to warm and loosen tight, overworked muscles and joints. Diffuse or add to DIY cleaners to enjoy Celery Seed’s general wellness support and to experience a sense of well-being amid emotional tension.

Some Things to Know

Botanical Name: Apium graveolens

Country of Origin: India

Plant Part Used: Aerial Parts

Primary Constituents:

  • Limonene
  • β-Selinene
  • Sedanenolide

Aromatic Scent: Warm and herbaceous with spicy-balsamic notes

Directions: Aromatic – Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical – Dilute to 1-3% in a carrier.

Shelf Life: 2-3 Years

KidSafe/Pup & Pony Safe: Yes

Pregnancy Safe/ Nursing Safe: No

Fresh & Energizing Surface Cleaner DIY

What You’ll Need:

What You’ll Do:

Fill an 8 oz. glass or PET plastic bottle with the castile soap and essential oils. Mix by shaking the bottle gently, then fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. Shake the bottle each time before use. To use, spray and allow to sit on counters, doors, drawer handles, sinks, etc. for a few minutes. Wipe down with a damp cloth to help keep your home clean. Store bottles out of sunlight. Use within six months.



Let us know what you think about Caraway Seed CO2 and Celery Seed! Don’t have yours yet? Make sure to head over to our Oil of the Month Club.