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5 Essential Oils for More Energy


5 Essential Oils for More Energy

It’s the first month of a brand new year! Don’t let the grey skies and chilly air drain your energy. Try these bright, invigorating essential oils to help get you up and at it with all the energy you need.

Ginger Root CO2

The warm and spicy aroma of Ginger Root CO2 may be just what you need to boost your energy — especially when it’s cold outside. Its warming properties contrast nicely with the winter weather. Ginger Root is also a great way to lift your mood and may consequently increase your willpower to stay energized through whatever it is you want to accomplish!


peppermint essential oil for energy

For a quick burst of energy whenever you need it, reach for Peppermint Essential Oil. Fresh, cool, and unmistakable, this popular oil will invigorate your mind and body. It promotes energy and alertness, making it perfect for any time of the day – whether bright and early in the morning, during that unfortunate afternoon slump, or once you make it back home to the family after a long day. Diffuse it or add about 4 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub onto your wrists to enjoy the aroma.

Eucalyptus Globulus

Eucalyptus Globulus is a fantastic choice to lift your spirits and focus your mind. It also brings warmth to the body and promotes healthy circulation; when your body feels good, it responds with elevated energy levels. Not only that, but as one of the most recognized essential oils to help with respiratory issues, Eucalyptus can support clear breathing and the flow of energizing oxygen throughout the body.


Citrus scents are typically very energizing, and Lime is no exception. When you want to add a zesty punch to your environment, this is great to diffuse for its uplifting and invigorating properties. The sweet, clean citrus aroma can help improve clarity and focus while also encouraging mental energy. Try adding one drop of Lime to 3 drops each of Grapefruit Pink and Orange Sweet to your diffuser for a wonderfully refreshing citrus blend that helps brighten the mood.

To learn more about Lime, check out 4 Surprising Benefits of Lime Essential Oil.

Grapefruit Pink

grapefruit essential oil for energy

With its sweet, juicy fresh citrus scent, Grapefruit Pink helps bring about a refreshed and brighter mood. Like many citrus essential oils, it is known for its ability to boost energy levels and mental alertness. It can also help relieve adrenal fatigue, which may occur with people who feel constantly lethargic. Plus, it is known to benefit the immune system! This helps you feel healthy and ready to tackle any task that comes your way.

For more great information about Grapefruit Pink, make sure to read Grapefruit Pink Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week.

couple looking energetic and happy

If you want to learn more about essential oils that can help you stay energized, both mentally and physically, be sure to check out the blog Get a Natural Energy Boost With Essential Oils.