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National Hair Day: Top Haircare Tips & DIYs


National Hair Day: Top Haircare Tips & DIYs

It’s National Hair Day! We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to share some of our top essential oil tips for making sure every day is a good hair day. We’ve got everything from fun DIYs to quick and easy additions to your daily routine. And the best part is you can care for your hair naturally. Let’s dive in!

For the Girl on the Go

National Hair Day: woman brushing her hair

We get it. Life is busy and crazy and sometimes it’s easier to throw your hair in a ponytail and call it good. But there are a couple quick and easy ways to make sure your hair still stays healthy, shiny and soft.

Boost your shampoo!

A woman holding the ends of her hair

This really is one of the easiest things you can do. All you need is your favorite unscented shampoo and a couple of essential oils and you’re good to go! Rosemary is one of the most popular oils when it comes to hair care, and for good reason. It helps stimulate growth, promotes a healthy scalp and combats excess oil. Cedarwood (Atlas or Himalayan) is another fabulous oil for your hair as it helps promote a flake-free scalp. Combine these oils in your shampoo and you’re good to go! For everyday use, stick to a 1% dilution, or 9 drops per ounce. If you wash your hair less often, feel free to bump it up to a 2% dilution or 18 drops. An easy way to experiment is by making mini-batches in travel-size bottles so you can find the combination that’s right for your hair.

Those aren’t the only oils you can use! Feel free to experiment with other great options like Lavender, Pink Grapefruit, Chamomile, Sandalwood, or Carrot Seed.

Spritz it Up!

woman spritzing her curls

Now that your shampoo has the added benefits of essential oils, you can add the finishing touches by lightly misting your hair with a hydrosol. Both Rose and Lavender are great for helping condition dry and damaged hair. You can spritz when it’s wet or dry, whatever fits your routine best.

For the DIY Diva

bottle of essential oil and a comb

You know who you are. You love making the latest creative DIYs, whether it’s home decor, skincare or anything in between. We have plenty of delightful DIYs to help you style, coiffe and primp your hair however you like. And because you make these recipes, you know exactly what goes in them!

DIY Texturizing Salt Hair Spray

DIY Texturizing Salt Hair Spray

Add the right amount of texture to your hair with this easy DIY spray so can you can get those fabulous beachy waves

Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

If your hair needs a little extra TLC, whip up this Deep Conditioning Hair Mask to help moisturize, condition and smooth your frazzled locks.

Hair Detangler DIY

Hair Detangler DIY

Ever spend too much time combing out your hair, only to be left with split ends and a sore scalp? Use this detangler to help protect your hair and prevent breakage.

For the Dapper Dudes

Man combing his beard

If any gentlemen out there are sporting facial hair, you know how important it is to keep your beard silky smooth and in place. A fabulous way to achieve a truly enviable beard is with one of our Beard Balms, available in Citrus Clean or Wood Spice. For those that prefer the do-it-yourself route, you can whip up the Bodacious Beard Balm.

For the Kids in the Classroom

mom hugging her daughter before school

We all know that school-age children come with a unique, cringe-inducing hair challenge of their own… Lice. Thankfully, essential oils are a great way to combat those creepy crawlers. Our Get ‘Em Gone blend is the perfect place to start. But another great option is our three-ingredient Back to School Healthy Scalp Spray. It’s a quick and easy way to make sure the school year is a significantly less-itchy one.

For more incredible DIYs and a fun community of essential oil lovers, make sure to check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group.