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4 Surprising Benefits of Lime Essential Oil


4 Surprising Benefits of Lime Essential Oil

It’s hard to mistake the invigorating and pleasant citrus scent of Lime Essential Oil. The aroma brings to mind refreshing summer cocktails and delicious fresh food.

But limes are more than just a garnish for your favorite drinks. They have been used therapeutically for centuries by many cultures and could offer benefits that can improve your daily life. Whether it’s used aromatically, topically or internally, the lime fruit has endless applications for self-care, cleaning, cooking and much more.

Lime Essential Oil comes from the lime peel, not the distinctively tart juice. Just like the fruit that it’s extracted from, Lime Essential Oils provide an energizing and uplifting aroma, along with an array of amazingly useful everyday benefits.

Give a few of these usage ideas a try around the home and for your health. You’ll quickly find lime oil becoming a main staple in your essential oil collection.

Use Lime Essential Oil as a Natural Cleaner

Some people use Lime Essential Oil as a natural cleanser. Like other citrus fruit, it has powerful purifying properties for the inside and out. When used around the home, it can help protect us from seasonal threats. When diluted properly and used in a wash or a rinse, it can help cleanse damaged skin and lessen the effects of many skin aggravations.

Lime Essential Oil is present in many natural cleaning products, and can also cut through tough grease and be an effective multi-purpose cleaner in the kitchen.

Lime Essential Oil Can Help Protect You from Buzzing Annoyances?

There are many natural methods for keeping bugs away from our skin, food, clothes and loved ones. Lime Essential Oil works effectively to help keep outdoor annoyances out of your life, because many buzzing annoyances react negatively to citrus scents and stay away from places where they smell these scents.

Lime Essential Oil Helps Fight Signs of Aging

Everyone is looking for help in fighting the signs of aging and Lime Essential Oil can help reduce the effects of time like the appearance of fine lines, patchy pigmentation, and loss of elasticity.

Lime has a tightening effect, making it perfect to use to help rejuvenate your skin. Use it topically with a skin-friendly carrier oil to enjoy the benefits. Lime oil’s tonic effect promotes a youthful appearance, and it can be helpful in lightening dark skin spots. Cold pressed Lime Essential Oil has a max dilution of 0.7% due to phototoxicity concerns. Alternatively, Steam Distilled Lime is a great sun-safe alternative.

Lime Essential Oil Supports Immune Strength

Like Lemon Essential Oil, Lime Oil can also assist your immune system and support a healthy digestive system. Additionally, Lime Essential Oil can help your body when you are feeling under-the-weather.

You can reap the immune-boosting benefits of Lime Essential Oil with a diffuser or by adding a few drops to a steaming bowl of water and inhaling. Adding a few drops to massage oil is a great way to use lime oil to help support the immune system.

When it comes to purifying and cleaning, Lime Essential Oil is the perfect choice. Use it together with your other favorite cleansing and uplifting oils for more freshening power and a boost in emotional balance and well-being. Lime oil benefits are seemingly endless, along with the health-promoting properties mentioned above.

Just like Lemon, Lime Essential Oil is potent and it’s important to remember that a little goes a long way. Remember, always dilute the Lime Oil and avoid contact with inner ears and eyes. With its abilities to boost your health and brighten your day, Lime will quickly become a part of your daily essential oil routine.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.