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Eucalyptus Dives: Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Eucalyptus Dives: Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Eucalyptus Dives

Latin name: Eucalyptus dives

Aroma Description: strong herbaceous, woody, minty scent

Therapeutic benefits

  • Helps stop sniffles and clear up congestion.
  • Can help revitalize the senses and give you a mental boost.
  • The clean aroma can freshen the space you are in and be a useful oil in cleaning products.
  • Fights blemishes when added to your skincare routine.

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Eucalyptus Dives: Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Yes! Eucalyptus Dives IS a KidSafe oil.

Dilution instructions:

Add a few drops to a tablespoon of your favorite carrier oil and use as a chest rub to help ease congestion and clear breathing.

Diffusion instructions:

Add a few drops to your diffuser or place 1-2 drops in a large bowl of water that is just too hot for skin contact (not boiling) and inhale for 5 minutes.

Oils to blend with:

Balm Mint Bush, Basil Linalool, Black Pepper, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Citronella, Fragonia, Frankincense, Ginger Root CO2, Kunzea, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary 1,8-Cineole, and Tea Tree.

Be sure to check out all of our previous Spotlight Oils as well for even more great info!