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DIY Sensory Slime with Essential Oils


DIY Sensory Slime with Essential Oils

DIY “slime,” or Gak, is everywhere right now, and there’s a great reason for it. This gooey sensory toy is the perfect DIY craft for keeping kiddos entertained during Spring Break or Summer vacation, or even simply providing a calming sensory experience during dreaded Time Out tantrums.

DIY Sensory Slime with Essential OilsThe best part is the only supplies you need, you probably already have laying around in your kitchen!

You’ll need:

  • 2 cups Water
  • 2 tsp Borax
  • 1 10 oz bottle of clear glue (like Elmers)
  • Glitter, food coloring for color, or small seed beads for a sensory “crunch”
  • 6 drops of a KidSafe® synergy*
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Carrier Oil

DIY Sensory Slime with Essential OilsDirections:

  1. Add 6 drops of your favorite KidSafe® oil or synergy to 1 Tbsp Coconut Carrier Oil in a small bowl and set aside.
  2. Microwave your water until almost boiling. Stir in your Borax until it is completely dissolved (If you want colored slime, add 5-10 drops food coloring to your solution now as well).
  3. Combine your glue in a separate bowl with 6 drops of your KidSafe® essential oil + Coconut Carrier Oil mix (or your pre-diluted KidSafe® essential oil)
  4. Pour your hot water and Borax solution over the glue + essential oil mixture. Stir your liquid until a thickened slime forms on top of your mixture.
  5. Collect your slime with the spoon and transfer to a new bowl. Continue stirring your mixture until all of the slime has been skimmed off, leaving only water in your bowl.
  6. If you’re adding glitter, knead in your glitter or seed beads to the slime and work it in with your hands.
  7. Make sure you store your slime in a sealed container such as a Ziploc bag or Tupperware to keep it fresh!

Some great suggestions for scented slime:

Use your imagination (and your child’s) to create your own personalized DIY sensory slime!