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DIY Father's Day Essential Oil Diffuser Blend for the Nerdy Dad


DIY Father's Day Essential Oil Diffuser Blend for the Nerdy Dad

A few decades ago, it’s probably safe to say that avid video gamers were mostly children and teens. But, as generations grew up, so did those games and the people who love to play them!

Video Games: Not Just for Kids Anymore!

Nowadays, it is pretty common for kids to have parents who identify as gamers. No matter what your favorite gaming platform is, video games can be entertaining and engrossing visual treats.

Since Father’s Day is coming up, we thought now would be the perfect time to help you create a diffuser blend Dad will love — whether he’s vanquishing dragons, strategically infiltrating enemy lines, or passionately exploring expansive open-ended worlds, this diffuser blend is sure to help him get into the “zone.” With its mix of the distinctively woodsy and piney aromas of Balsam Fir and Fir Needle, and Cedarwood Atlas and Vetiver bringing smokey and earthy scents, Dad will love how this scent immerses him even further into his simulated environment!

DIY Father's Day Diffuser Blend for the Nerdy Dad

Deep Woods

To use, add these oils to a diffuser and enjoy!

And be sure to check out the rest of the awesome gifts for dad in our curated Father’s Day Shop!