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Candy Cane Latte Salt Scrub


Candy Cane Latte Salt Scrub

If you enjoy the scrumptious aroma of a Candy Cane Latte and you like having silky soft skin, you’re going to love this DIY.

Mixing a couple of our favorite wintertime things together (holiday drinks and healthy skin), we’ve come up with a cute, easy-to-make salt scrub that is sure to add an extra burst of seasonal cheer to your day! This also makes a great gift for friends and family who would enjoy some all-natural, homemade, Candy Cane and Coffee bliss.

Candy Cane Latte Salt Scrub

Candy Cane Latte Salt Scrub

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

  1. Pour white sea salt into a medium glass bowl.
  2. Pour pink Himalayan salt into a separate medium glass bowl.
  3. Blend Candy Cane, Coffee, and Fractionated Coconut Oil together in a small bowl.
  4. Mix half of the oil mixture into the white sea salt, and the other half into the pink Himalayan salt; mix well.
  5. As you pour the salts into your jar, layer them to make a striped, candy cane look.
  6. Optional* add red food coloring to help the Himalayan salt POP and use a festive ribbon to tie a pretty spoon to the jar.

For a printable version, click here.

Please keep in mind that due to the Peppermint and Peru Balsam essential oils in our Candy Cane Holiday Blend and the use of Coffee, this Candy Cane Latte Salt Scrub recipe is not suitable for children under the age of 10.