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Valentines Day DIY


Valentines Day DIY

Plant Therapy Valentines Day DIY

Valentines Day should be a day where you show your significant others, children & friends how much they mean to you {well, we really should do this every day, but let’s make a special effort for this occasion!} Why don’t we create some lovely small items to gift to your loved ones this Valentines Day!

I have created 3 DIY projects for you today. Once geared towards kids, one that can be given to your friends & family and another that can be shared with your significant other. Need a great EASY gift, try our Romance Set – in convenient roll on form!

What you’ll need:

Sugar Shower Cubes:
Massage Oil:
Lotion bars:
Sweetheart Diffuser Blend:

What you’ll do:

Sugar Shower Cubes:
  1. Add 6 ounces of sugar to a medium glass bowl
  2. In separate bowl, melt remaining ingredients (except essential oils) until all liquid
  3. Combine oils/butters with sugar
  4. Add essential oils
  5. Mix well
  6. Pat into silicon molds
  7. Allow to sitting fridge for 30 minutes to firm up
  8. Use in the shower to scrub arms & legs to soft, smooth skin!
  9. Store in the fridge for best use, they got a little “mushy” if not kept cool.
Massage Oil:
  1. Add carrier to 2 ounce dropper bottle
  2. Drop in the following amounts of essential oils 12 drops sandalwood, 5 drops ylang ylang, 5 drops vanilla, 1 drop of cinnamon leaf and 1 drop of jasmine.
  3. Place lid on the bottle and mix well by rubbing bottle between palms
  4. Enjoy a massage with your significant other 😉
Lotion bars:
  1. Warm a medium pan with water on the stove
  2. Weigh all ingredients into glass dishes
  3. Place all ingredients, except essential oils, into a larger glass bowl or measuring cup
  4. Place glass bowl over pan of simmering water
  5. Melt butter, oil & wax
  6. Remove from heat and stir in 36 drops of essential oil
  7. Pour into silicon molds
  8. Cool
  9. Package