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All About Magnolia Flower


All About Magnolia Flower

While “Magnolia” may bring to mind that Grande Dame of stately floral trees that grace the South, this essential oil actually comes from another type of Magnolia, which is cultivated in China and Southeast Asia for its ornamental and aromatic beauty.


This Magnolia tree (Michelia alba) has broad green leaves and large white flowers with spear-shaped petals. The flowers of this Asian variation are prized for their fragrance. And, it’s from these flowers that the essential oil is produced.

If you’re expecting a strongly scented floral, evocative of the Southern Magnolia, you’re in for a surprise! This essential oil delights with a unique sweet, fruity, exotic scent that’s more softly spoken.

The whole Magnolia family has a fascinating ancestry, with prehistoric fossils dating back nearly 100 million years. As descendants of this primitive line, the flower of this particular Asian variety made its way into ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine, where it has been revered for its therapeutic benefits and steeped into a fragrant tea.

Magnolia flowers also remain central to Southeast Asian culture for observances and celebrations signifying births and new beginnings. In Indonesia, brides opting for a traditional wedding ceremony wear beautifully fragrant garlands of specifically Michelia alba and Jasmine sambac.


The main constituent of Magnolia Flower is Linalool, which is well known for its soothing and calming capabilities. The sweet, fruity, exotic scent of Magnolia is sedating and relaxing, yet uplifting. The aroma is calming and can help ease worry and tension in both the mind and body. Magnolia Flower can also be helpful for minor abrasions, scars, and to increase circulation. It can help relieve congestion, and also discomfort during your monthly cycle.

Magnolia Flower also makes a wonderful support for the spirit. It can resonate and help bring balance to the heart center (4th chakra). In their book “Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques,” Keim and Bull suggest Magnolia Flower can support our “ability to give and receive love” as well as to “speak and hear about it.

April Essential Oil of the Month: Magnolia Flower


Because Magnolia flower isn’t an aggressively scented floral, I found it blends with ease, creating an enjoyable exploration. I was immediately fond of the fragrance, and it’s become a welcome and beloved addition to my arsenal.

Here are a few of my favorite synergies that you might also like to experience!

These mini-master blends can be placed in your diffuser, you can add a drop to an aromatherapy diffuser locket, or tripled for a personal inhaler. They can also be diluted appropriately in your favorite carrier oil for topical application, or your favorite DIY base (except where noted).

Please note Magnolia Flower is not considered KidSafe®. And, because it is being mixed with other essential oils, please note any other cautions listed with each synergy.


For a relaxing bedtime bath, add to:

  • 1-2 T unscented natural body wash
  • ½ C Epsom salts

Wash away your worries. Relaxing to body and mind to slip into a more restful slumber.

KidSafe®: No

Cautions: For Magnolia Flower, we recommend a maximum dilution of 1% for topical applications


Worn by Indonesian brides during their wedding ceremony, Jasmine represents purity and grace, while Magnolia symbolizes womanly beauty and gentleness. Use this beautiful fragrance for a soothing scent for your space and to support the softer side of your spirit.

KidSafe®: No

Cautions: This synergy is recommended for inhalation only. For Magnolia Flower, we recommend a maximum dilution of 1% for topical applications. For Jasmine Absolute, we recommend a maximum dilution of 0.7% for topical applications. For Peru Balsam, we recommend a maximum dilution of 0.4% for topical applications.


Relaxing and restoring to the mind. Rejuvenating for the skin. Combine at a1% dilution in your favorite carrier oil, such as Younger Glo Carrier Oil Blend, or use our Unscented Aloe and Shea Lotion for an all-over treat.

KidSafe®: No

Cautions: For Magnolia Flower, we recommend a maximum dilution of 1% for topical applications


KidSafe®: No

Cautions: For Magnolia Flower, we recommend a maximum dilution of 1% for topical applications

A wonderful blend for meditation and introspection in communion with the ancient nature of aromatic plants. Kumquat comes to us down through the ages as one of the original ancestral citrus fruits. Magnolia predates recorded history from primitive times. Both plants have been revered in ancient healing practices. And, with Magnolia Flower and Ho Wood exceptionally high in Linalool and Kumquat especially high in Limonene, this unique synergy is immensely uplifting, comforting, and relaxing to the senses.


“Magnolia × Alba.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnolia_%C3%97_alba.

““Michelia.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelia.

“Magnolia × Alba.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnolia_%C3%97_alba.

“Magnolia × Alba.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnolia_%C3%97_alba.

Keim, Joni, and Ruah Bull. Aromatherapy & Subtle Energy Techniques: Compassionate Healing with Essential Oils. CreateSpace, 2015.