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8 Practical Tips for Healthy, Glowing Winter Skin


8 Practical Tips for Healthy, Glowing Winter Skin

Winter weather is no joke. With the decrease of humidity outside and the increase of dry central heating inside, lots of us deal with the very common (and very uncomfortable!) problem of dry winter skin.

Maybe you’re dealing with skin that feels dull and tight from dryness, suffering from painful cracks, or flaky patches that are downright embarrassing. We’ve got the tips to help you keep your skin soft and glowing this winter.

1. Keep your thermostat low to avoid drying out your skin.

Mother and son cuddled by fireplace during Christmas winter skinWhen it’s chilly outside, what’s the first thing you want to do? Crank up the heat! But central heat can make the air in your house even drier. Try setting the thermostat at a cool yet comfortable setting — 68°F to 72°F to help winter skin stay healthiest.

2. Keep your baths or showers short, and don’t use super-hot water.

Plant therapy forever mom body care set woman setting up a bath winter skinYeah, we know it’s tempting to turn your shower water to ‘nuclear-hot’ when it’s snowing outside, but resist the urge! Super hot water can actually dry out skin faster.

And while we’re on the topic of a less-than-satisfying shower, you should probably keep your showers to between 5-10 minutes as well. Soaking and warming up in a 30-minute shower can also exacerbate dry skin.

3. Apply lotion while your skin is still damp.

plant therapy helichrysum essential oil winter skinMake sure you slather yourself down while your skin is still damp! Your pores are still open, your skin is hydrated and the moisture helps with absorbing lotion. Want to boost the effectiveness of your body lotion? Check out tip #7.

4. Switch to using all-natural body products.

plant therapy organic healing balm all-natural body care winter skinWhen your skin is already irritated, dry and flaky an alcohol-based chemical-filled product may do you more harm than good. Artificial scents can further irritate your skin, meaning your amazing-smelling lotion from a big box store might be making your skin worse, not better.

Opt for a moisturizer with no artificial dyes, perfumes or ingredients (like Plant Therapy’s Organic Healing Balm) to soothe skin without any irritating additives. Our Organic Healing Balm is a gentle, soothing balm that’s perfect for all skin types, especially dry, irritated skin. It moisturizes, relieves dry, irritated skin, and leaves the skin feeling silky and can be used on everyone from infants on up.

5. Remember to stay hydrated for dry winter skin health.

tea and a teapot with flowers: hydrating for winter skinIt’s easy to forget to drink enough water when it’s chilly outside instead of hot. Just remember, your skin needs those 8 glasses a day to stay hydrated and happy. Set up a reminder on your phone and make sure you get your H2O!

(And yes, your beloved cup of tea totally counts as water!)

6. Don’t stay in wet clothes longer than you have to.

a woman with snow and gloves, caring for winter skinKeeping wet, sticky clothes on your skin longer than they have to be can make dryness and itching much worse. We know you might now always be able to peel off those ski pants right away, but try and air yourself out as soon as you can!

7. Use essential oils in your skincare routine.

plant therapy rose absolute essential oilsEssential oils can make a wonderful all-natural addition to your winter skincare routine.

For starters, consider Helichrysum Italicum. It is rejuvenating and soothing for the skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines, scars, and stretch marks. It is an all-around superb oil for skin woes.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil, being rich in carotenoids, is another nourishing and healing option for the skin. It is known to breathe life into dull skin, balance skin sebum, and even soothe away unpleasant sunburn sensations.

Next, aside from the heavenly aroma of Rose Absolute, it would be amiss to forget to mention this prized oil for its calming and soothing properties to save your dry winter skin.

Synergy blends such as Soft Skin and Silky Soft are designed to keep your skin soft and healthy. Dilute these oils with a skin-friendly carrier oil, like Almond or Meadowfoam, and enjoy a superior moisturizing blend that will protect and nourish your skin during the cold winter months.

8. Make your own DIY skin and body care products.

plant therapy DIY body products essential oils for winter skinWant healthy, soft winter skin but don’t want to give up on products that smell good? Plant Therapy has some amazing essential oil DIY’s to feed your need for pretty smells and treat your skin to all-natural products:

And be sure to check out these other great articles on winter skin: