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Earth Day with Plant Therapy


Earth Day with Plant Therapy

Spoiler alert: We love Earth Day! It’s the chance to celebrate and bring awareness to so many things that are important to our company, like sustainability, caring for the environment, and conservation. The earth gives us so many of our natural ingredients and essential oils. It’s only right that we care for Mother Earth in return. Here are just a few of the ways that we’re caring for the planet and committed to sustainability.

EPA Certification

Committed to caring for the planet in more ways than one, we are proud to be an EPA Green Power Partner. We purchased Renewable Energy Certificates to match 100% of our electricity use in 2018. These certificates help fund renewable energy installations in Idaho. And this is just the beginning of our partnership with the EPA.

woman planting a small plant for earth daySustainability

Like so many of the earth’s resources, essential oils can have a limited supply. Because we believe in protecting these resources, we only receive essential oils from reputable and sustainable sources. We want everyone to continue to enjoy the benefits of essential oils and other natural ingredients for years to come. Some examples of these oils are Palo Santo, which is collected from wood that has died a natural death, Vanilla is sustainably grown in Uganda, and Indian Sandalwood which can be traced back to where the actual trees were grown in Australia.

Defender Household cleaning concentrates and glass bottles


As we’ve expanded our products beyond essential oils to include household and body care, we made sure those products are also environmentally friendly. Whether it’s the recyclable glass for our candles or reusable spray bottles and biodegradable concentrate for our household cleaners, we strive to make our products environmentally conscious at every turn.

Illustration of bulk bar refill station


Over the last year, we’ve updated many of our shipping packagings to include more environmentally friendly options that are recyclable. We will continue to ditch the plastic as we move to 100% recyclable shipping materials.

We also have expanded our bulk options! Whether you’re shopping online for essential oils, DIY ingredients, body care, or household products, you can stock up on what you need. We’ve even included Bulk Refill Bars at several retail locations!

Organic Tension Ease


Free from GMOs and harmful pesticides, all of our organic products are certified through ECOCERT ICO. These organic products are grown in clean soil with organic seeds and planting matter. Each organic purchase is helping to conserve our precious natural resources and reducing environmental pollution.

How are you celebrating Earth Day this year? Let us know in the comments below!