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Celebrating Romance with Sensual Massage


Celebrating Romance with Sensual Massage

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and finding ways to celebrate the romance and intimacy you have with your partner is on everyone’s mind. Showing your partner just how much you love them doesn’t have to be a chore, nor does it only have to be saved for one day a year. It doesn’t even have to involve any of those Valentine’s Day cliches like boxed chocolates and candlelit dinners and can take place any time of year. But it does mean you can do something a little bit special. Let Plant Therapy help you set the mood and make your nights more romantic with our new With Love Set.

With Love Set

With Love Set

Our With Love Set comes with everything you need to make the evening relaxing, romantic, and dare we say… steamy. Each set comes with Unscented Age-Defying Body Crème and a new and exclusive blend, With Love. We’ve also included our new With Love Massage Body Oil, which will come in handy on those romantic nights in. This exotic and sensual blend pairs together our sweet and citrusy Sweet Orange and Pink Grapefruit essential oils with Ginger Root CO2 and Cardamom hints. We’ve topped it with the beautiful floral notes of Rose Absolute, Ylang Ylang, and a creamy Peru Balsam finish.

What is Sensual Massage?

Unlike a traditional massage which is designed to work some tension out of your muscles, sensual massage offers an intimate form of connection and communication, making it the perfect way to say I love you without saying a word. Massage, and touch for that matter, releases endorphins that help reduce stress levels, alleviate discomfort, and provide a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your partner. Touch, intimate and otherwise, also releases oxytocin (a bonding chemical) which creates and strengthens intimacy, trust, overall healthier relationships. Sensual massage can be a valuable tool to deepen your connection during intimate moments.

With Love Massage Body Oil

Getting Started

The first most crucial step to obtaining a blissful state through intimate massage is to set the right atmosphere. An intimate massage can occur in any private setting. Still, there are two essential things to remember when setting the mood: temperature and lighting. During the intimate massage, make sure the room is warm and comfortable for everyone, as clothes are only going to get in the way. Dim lighting is important as it provides a relaxing environment free from bright lights that often distract from intimacy. Light some candles, turn off the lights and allow yourselves to be fully immersed in the experience.

Set Your Intentions

It’s also important to consider your intention behind the massage. The whole idea behind a sensual massage is to build on the bond and intimacy that you have with your partner. It’s important to make it a meaningful and lasting experience that brings you closer together. It’s not something to speed through before you get to the good stuff. So don’t rush, take your time, and enjoy the experiences you can create for each other.

Have the Right Tools

While not much is necessary for providing (or receiving!) an intimate massage, it is important to have some quality body oil or lubricant to keep the skin from becoming irritated and uncomfortable. Enter With Love Massage Body Oil. Pairing together our beloved Marvelous Massage carrier oil blend and our exotic With Love essential oil blend, it provides a relaxing, romantic aroma while also giving just the right amount of “slip” for your massage.

Technique, Technique, Technique

Start by pouring some of our With Love Massage Body Oil onto your palms and warming it up by gently rubbing your palms together. Once lightly heated, start with long, lingering strokes up the spine, starting from the waist spreading out to the shoulders. Work your fingers into the shoulders, being firm yet gentle. Remember, sensual massage is all about having fun, building intimacy, and strengthening the bond you have with your partner. Repeat this several times before moving onto other moves.

There is no right or wrong in providing an intimate massage… it depends entirely on the person. Pay attention to how your receiving partner reacts. Are they into it? Keep going. Are they pulling away or wincing from pain? Ease up or try something different. It’s all about those subtle bodily cues.

Keep Things Sexy

As you’re exploring each other’s body and figuring out what makes each other feel good, things will start to shift gears from sensual to, well, sexual. While massage oil can be a good tool for manual stimulation, it’s important to avoid using essential oils or essential oil products on the genitals. Instead, you can use our Unscented Marvelous Massage blend as it is gentle enough to provide some slip and offer protection from friction or other irritation so you can continue enjoying your night together. Find more information on other ways you can incorporate essential oils into your intimate moments here.

What are your favorite ways to celebrate with your partner? Do you have any secret techniques that help you and your partner strengthen your bond and levels of intimacy in the bedroom? Let us know in the comments below!